D IPH Y SC IUM foliosum. Mohr.Obsero. JBot. p. 34. Mohr FI. Crypt. Germ. p . 377.' (tab. X I .
f : 1. perist.) Voit Hist. MilsC. Frond. Herb. p. 229-
H YM EN O PO G O N heterophyllum. Pal. de Beauv. Prodr. d' JEtheogam. p. 60.
BUXBAUMIA foliosa, acaulis, capsula subsessili, foliis 1 ineari-1 anceojatis. Smith FI. B r it. ml. 3.
p. 1148.-
BUXBAUMIA foliosa. Linn. Syst. Veget.p. 945. Linn. Fil. Meth. Muse. p. 35. t. \ . f . 4. Hedw.
Sp. Muse. p. 166. Weber Spirit. FI. Goet. p. 128. Swartz Muse. Suec. p . 74.
With. Bot. A m ed. 4. ml. 3. p. 774. ed. 5. ml. 3. p. 970. Engl. Bot. t. 329-
Dicks. Hort. Sice. fa s c . 2. n. 20. H ull B r . Bot. p . 276. Hoffm. Germ. ml. 2.
p. 22. Roth Germ. ml. 1. p. 482. ml. 2. p. 344. Timm. Prodr. FI. Megap.
n. 839. Willd. Prodr. FI. Berol. n. 979- Michaux FI. Bor. Am. ml. 2. p. 301.
Turn. Muse. Hib. Spic. p. 104. Lamarck FI. Fr. ed. 3. ml. 2. p . 513. Lam. FI.
Gall. Syn. p. 106. Lam. Illustr. t. 872. f 2. Lam. Diet. Suppl. ml. 1. p. 753.
Brid. Recent, ml. 4. p. 150. Wade PI. lia r . Hib. p. 97.
BUXBAUMIA sessilis. Schmid. Diss. de Buxb. p. 26. t. 1. ƒ . 1-^14. Hedw. Fund. Muse. ml. 2.
Pi 40. t. 9. f . 51. Hedw. Theor. ed. 1. t. 10. f . 23-^31. et t. 11. f . 32—'34.
WEBER A Diphyscium. Ehrhart Beitr. Brand. 1. p. 177 et 189-
PHASCUM Hallerianum. Poll. Pal. n. 974.
BRYUM Phascoides. Jacq. Coll. ml. 2. p. 220.
PHASCUM montanum. Huds. Angl. p. 466.
PHASCUM maximum. Lig h tj. Scot. p. 693<
PHASCUM Iialleri. Mill. Frid. p. 196. Act. Holm. tin. 1764, p i 29, (cum I c .-)
BRYUM Hallerianum. Neck. Meth. Muse. p. 233.
SPHAGNUM sessile, foliis radicalibus obtusis; centralibus ciliatis. Hall. Helv. n. 1725. t. 46. ƒ 3.
S PHAGNUM acaulon maximum, foliis in centro ciliatis. Dill. Hist. Muse. p. 282. t. 32. f . 13.
PHASCUM. Oed. Dan. t. 249- ƒ 3.
Class a n d Order. CRYPTOGAMIA MUSCI.
[N atural Order. MUSCI, Juss. Decandolle. CRYPTOGAMÆ CALYPTRATÆ, Div. A.
Ge n . Char. Perist. simplex ; membrana conoidea, plicata. Calyptra mitræformis. (Capsula obliqua,
hinc gibba.|îî
P lantæ gregariæ, dense cæspitosæ.
Radix parva, tomentoso-fibrillosa, fusca,
Caulis subnullus.
Folia in rosulam congesta, pauca, parva, subpatentia
vel sæpé recurva, inferioraligulata, superiorali-
neari-oblonga, utraque obtusa, undulata, paulu-
lum carinata, margine omnino integerrima, nervo
validé distincto concolore süb apicem evanescente
. instructa ; siccitate crispa. Substantia crassius-
cula, opaca ; color Obscure luteo-viridis.
Folia Periciletialia, ut bene habet Dillenius, glu-
mas »mulantia, pro ratione plantas magna, nu-
merosa, erecta, capsulam superantia et fere te-
gentia, lanceolato-oblonga, acuminata, parum
convexa, apicem versus margine iilsigniter laci-
niata vel potius lacerata, nervo rigido fusco lon-
gissime exCe'dente, et ubi excedit serrulato in-
structa. Foliorum horum substantia rigidiuscula,
attamen membranacea; color fusco-flavescens.
Fructipicatio dioica. (Hedw.)
Mas. discoideus, terminalis. (Iledzv.)
Antiieræ minutas, cylindraceæ, filis brevibus articu-
latis immixtis. (Hedw.)
Fem. terminalis.
Seta brevissima, cylindracea, lævis, pallida, perichastio
folioso immersa, et basi pis til lis nonnullis obsita.
Capsula foliis perichastialibus undique tecta, Cannabis
seminis magnitudinis, ovata, obliqua, supra parum
depressa, sed basin versus gibbosa, subtus
ventricosa. Substantia vel in matura mollis;
color flavescens, hinc rubedine tincta.
Calyptrà integra, mitræformis, pallide fusca, conica,
apice in acumen longiusculum intense fuscuni
.. I producta..
Operculum conico-acuminatum, rectum, fusco-rufe-
Peristomium simplex, tenerum, membranaceum, al-
bidum, conum efformans plicatum, striatum; siccitate
Semina minuta, flavo-fusca.
Plants growing crowded together, thickly casspitose.
Root small, between tomentose and fibrillose, brown.
Stem scarcely any.
L eaves collected together in a rose-like head, few, small,
subpatent or often recurved, the inferior ones li-
gulate, the superior linear-oblong, in both obtuse,
undulate, a little carinate, with the margin altogether
entire, furnished with a strong distinct
nerve of the same colour as the leaf, and disappearing
a little below the apex; when dry crisped.
The substance is rather thick, opaque; the colour
obscure yellow-green.
Perich2ETIal Leaves, as Dillenius has well observed,
resembling the glumes of grasses, large for so
small a plant, numerous, erect, exceeding the
length of the capsule, and almost .covering it, ob-
longo-lanceolate, acuminate, a little convex, towards
the apex having the margin remarkably la-
ciniate or father lacerate; it has a strong, rigid, •
brown nerve, much exceeding the length of the
leaf, and is there serrulate. The substance of
these leaves is rigid, yet membranaceous; the
colour yellow-brown.
Fructification dioicous. (Hedw.)
Male discoid, terminal. (Hedw.)
Anthers minute, cylindrical, intermixed with short
articulated filaments.
Fem. terminal.
Fruit-Stalk very short, cylindrical, smooth, pale, immersed
in the leafy pericheetium, and producing
at the base a few pistils!
Capsule covered on all sides with perichastial leaves,
of the size of a grain of Hemp, ovate, oblique,
above a little depressed, but towards the base
gibbose, beneath ventricose. Substance, even in
a ripe state, soft; the colour yellowish, on one
side reddish.
Calyptra entire, mitneform, pale brown, conical, at
the apex lengthened out into a rather long, deep
brown point.
Operculum conical, acuminate, straight, reddish brown.'
Peristome simple, delicate, membranaceous, white,
forming a plicate CQne, striated: when dry somewhat
Seeds minute, yellow-brown.