D IANTHUS A rmeria; floribus aggregatis fétsciculatis, squamis calycinis lanceolatis pubescéritibus
tubuui æquantibus.
D IANTHUS Armeria. Linn. Sp. P l. p. 586. Huds. Angl. p. 183. With. Bot. A r r . ed. 4. Mg®.
OEd. Fl. Dan. t. 230. Hoffm. Germ. ed. 2. vol. p. 401 1. P . I. p. 198. JVilld.
Sp. P l. ml. 2. p. 673. Decand. Fl. F r. ed. 3. vol. 4. p. 741. Fl. Gall. S yn.p. 387.
Smith Fl. B r it. p. 460. Engl. Bot. t. 317. Pers. Syn. P l. vol. 1. p. 493. Alton
Hort. Kern. ed. 2. vol. 3. p. 79. Hook. Fl. Scot. P . I. p . 134. Sturm Deutsch.
Flora, fa se . 23.
TU N IC A floribus umbellatis squamis calycinis hirsutis mucronatis tubum asquantibus. Hall. Helv.
n. 900.
CARYOPHYLLUS latifolius barbatus minor annuus, flore minore. Deptford Pink. R aii Syn. p . 337.
Dan. Vilde Ndliker. Dut. Wilde Anjelier. Fr. L'Oeillet velu. Oerm. Die wilde Nelke. Swed. Sa-
rons-blomster. Wëlsh. Pennigan y porfeydd.
C lass and Ord e r . D E CA N D R IA D IG Y N lA .
^Natural O rd e r . CARYOPHYLLEÆ, J uss., Decand., Hook.]
GEN. Ch ar. Calyx monophyllus, tubulosus, quinquedentatus, basï squamis subquatemis, imbricatis, oppositis.
Petala quinquë, unguiculata. Capsula cylindracea, umloculans.
G e n . Ch a r . Calyx monophyllous, tubular, five-toothed, with about four imbricated opposite scales a t its basé.
Petals five, clawed. Capsule cylindrical, one-celled.
Ra d ix subfusiformis, flexuosa, parce fibrosa, annua.
Caulis pedalis ad sesquipedalem, erectus, teres, geni-
culatus, ramosus, glaber, ramis subpilosis.
F olia liueari-lanceolata, inferiora majora, magis obtusa;
superiora acuminata; omnia opposita, integer-
rima, erecto-pateutia, connata, basin versus pu-
bescentia, glauco-viridia.
F lores terminales, numerosi, aggregati, fasciculati, pur-
Squamie CALYClNiE ealyeem tequantes, lanceolato-
subulat®, pubescentes.
Calyx tubulosus, cylindraceus, striatus, pubescens,
quinquedentatus, dentibus subsetaceis.
P etala quinque, longe unguiculata, lamina patente,
ovata, pulcherrime purpureo-rosea,apice crenata,
maculis prascipue versus basin oblongis albis,
pilis longisque instructa.
Stamina decern: Filamentadonga: Anther® purpureae,
P ist il lum : Germenoblongo-cylindraceum: Styliduo,
filiformes, pubescentes.
Fig. 1. Calyx, with two of the’calycine scales. Fig. 2.
men cut open transversely to show the ovules a
Root somewhat fusiform, flexuose, sparingly fibrous, annual.
St em a foot or a foot and a half high, erect, rounded, ge-
niculated, branched, glabrous, with the branches
slightly hairy.
Leaves linear-lanceolate, the lower ones largest and
more obtuse, the superior ones acuminated; all
o f them opposite, entire, erecto-patent, connate,
pubescent towards the base, of a glaucous-greert
F lowers terminal, numerous, clustered, fasciculated,
of a purplish-rose colour.
Ca ly cin e Scales as long as the calyx, lanceolato-
subulate, pubescent.
Calyx tubular, cylindrical, striated, pubescent, five*
toothed, with the teeth subsetaceous.
P etals five, with long claws, the border patent, ovate*
of a beautiful purplish rose-colour, crenate a t the
extremity, having, principally a t the base, oblong
white spots and a few long hairs.
Stamens te n : Filaments long: Anthers purplish, oblong.
P is t il : Germen oblongo-cylindrical: Styles two, filiform,
Petal. Fig. 3. Stamens. Fig. 4. Pistil. Fig. 3. Gertached
to the central receptacle.—all magnified.
The Pinks are universal favourites, and claim the attention o f the poet and horticulturist as well as the botanist
• nor will the present species, the only one a t all common among those which are natives of Britain, be
found, upon minute examination, to yield in real beauty to those which are more immediately in request as the
ornaments of our gardens. Its petals are of a most delicate rose colour, and sprinkled with oblong spots or the
PUI? is'In 1 annual plant, loving a dry and gravelly soil, in hedge-banks and the sides o f pits; in which situations it
is by no means uncommon in the county o f Suffolk, where our specimens were gathered by Meadows White, Esq.
of Halesworth. In the northern parts of Britain, however, the Deptford Pink is ra re ; and it has been found but
in one spot in Scotland.
I t flowers in June and July.