NYMPHiEA. alba j foliis cordatis integerrimis; stigmate sexdecim-radiato, radiis adscéndentibusi
N YM PH iEA alba. Linn. Sp. PI. p. 729. Huds. A n g l.p . 234. L ig h t/. Scot. p. 283. With. Bot.
A r r . ed. 4. ml. 3. p. 479. (Ed. FI. Dan. t. 602. Hoffm. Germ. ed. 9,. vol. 1. P . I.
p . 242. Willd. Sp. PI. ml. 2. p. 1152. Smith FI. B r it. p. 570. Engl. Bot. t. 160.
Decand. FI. Fr. ed. 3. m l. 4. p. 630. Fl. Gall. Syn. p. 367. Pers. Syn. E l . ml. 2.
p . 63. Alton Hort. Keto. ed. 2. ml. 3. p . 292V Hoole. Fl. Scot. P . l.p . 169*.
CASTALIA speciosa. Salisb. in A nn. o f Bot.vol. 2. p. 72.
N YMPHiEA calyee quadrifido petalis minori, fructu sphaerico. Hall. Helv. n. 1067.
N YM PH iEA alba. B a n Syn. p. 368.
Dan. Ackande. Dut. W itte plompen. Fr. Blanc d'eau. Germr Die weisre Seeblume. Hüng. Fejer
vizi-tök. It. Nenufar bianco. Norw. Sjdcblojnsta. Pol. Wodnia Lilia. Port. G o lfm . Span. Higo
de rio. Swed. Sjoblad. Welsh. Magwyr mn.
Class a n d Ord e r . PO LY A N D R IA M Ö NOGYNIA.
rN atural Ord e r . NYMPI-L/EACEiE, NYM PH iE E iE , Salisb. PAPAVERACEiE, Decand. HYDRO-
Ch a r . Or d in Is. Calyx tetra- vel penta-phyllus, receptaculo non articulatus. P e t ala staminaque multiseriatim
disposita, foliolis calycinis alternata. Antherce inverse, adnatas. Bacca multilocularis, polysperma. Embryo
majuscula, ad basin albuminis carnosi— -Aquaticcs. Folia longe petiolata, nervis radiatis. Pedunculi ebr.de-
tcati, uniflori. Fl. Scot.
C haracter of th e Ord e r . Calyx of four to five leaves, not articulated with the receptacle. Petals and stamens
disposed in many rows, alternate with the leaflets o f the calyx, Anthers turned inwards, adnate. Berry
many-celled, many-seeded. jEwjörj/o.large, situated in, the base o f a fleshy albumen. Water-plants. Leaves on
long stalks, their nerves radiating. Peduncles w ithout bracteas, one-flowered.
G e n . Ch ar. Calyx tetra- velpenta-phyllus. Pctala numerosa, germini sub stamina inserta. Bacca multilocularis,
G e n . Ch a r . Calyx of four to five leaves. Petals numerous, inserted upon the germen, beneath the stamens.
B e rry many-celled, many-seeded.
R ad ix perennis, subtuberosa, longa, crassa, fibras ma-
, juse.ulas emittens.
Caulis nullus.
F olia radicalia, longe petiolata, cordato-rotundata,
. primùm longitudinaliter. conduplicata, involuta,
demum explanata, natantia, intense viridia, obscure
venosa, glabra, petiolo terete, basi compressa,
intus medullosa.
Sc API (vel pedunculi radicales) longi> teretes, erecti,
. flexuosi..
F lores magni,.specio'si, albi.
Calyx e foliolis quatuor, corolla subæque longis, ovato-
oblongis, concavis, crassiusculis, glabris, extus
fusco-viridibus, margine albo, intus rubicundis.
P e tala numerosa, imbricata, stellatim expansa, ob-
longa, concava, alba, exteriora majora, interiora
sensim minora, atque antherifera, vel in stamina
mutata, omnia germinis basi inserta.
Stamina numerosa, magna, sub stigmate germini inserta
: Filamenta alba, exteriora dilatata, petali-
formia, antheris parvis, interiora minora, angus-
tiora, antheris longis, linearibus, flavis, bilocula-
ribus terminata, loculis longitudinaliter dehiscen-
P ollen minutum, flavum, sub summa lente hispidulum.
P istillum magnum : Germen subrotundatum, basi pe-
taliferum, superne staminiferum : Stylus nullus :
Stigma magnum, concavum, viridi-flavum, sex-
decim-radiatum, radiis adscendentibus, centro
glandulo vel tuberculo rotundato flavo ( nectario
P erica rpium : Capsula baccata, subrotundata, lateri-
bus, reliquiis staminum petalorumque, cicatri-
cosa, flavescens, stigmate nigro-fusco terminata,
sexdecim-locularis, polysperma.
Semin a numerosa (plurima abortiva), parietalia, arillo
saccato duplice reticulato magno pellucido tecta,
ovata, viridi-fusca, sub lente pulcherrime punc-
tato-lineata, linea longitudinali elevata notata.
I ntegumentum crustaceum.
Albumen copiosum, farinoso-cereaceum, hinc chalaza
fusca notatum.
E mbryo sub summum apicem ad hilum seminis, in cavitate
albuminis inserta, majuscula subrotundata,
membrana tenui alba tecta : Cotyledones ovato-
rotundatæ, carnosæ, concavoe, albæ.
Radicula perbrevis, obtusa, ad hilum seminis versa :
Plumula majuscula, viridis, oblonga, unidentata.
Root perennial, somewhat tuberous, long, thick, throwing
out large fibres.
Stem none.
L eaves springing immediately from the root, upon long
footstalks,, between heart-shaped and round, at
first.doubled .together lengthwise ;and rolled in^
- wards, subsequently spread out, floating, of a
deep green, indistinctly veined j glabrous, the footstalk
rounded, compressed at, the; base, spongy
Flower-stales (or radical peduncles) long, rounded,
erect, flexuose..
F lowers large, beautiful, white.
Calyx of four leaves, nearly equalling the corolla in
length, ovato-oblong, concave,, fleshy, glabrous,
externally of a dark green, with the margins
white, internally rose-coloured.
P etals numerous, imbricated, expanding in a starry
form, oblong, concave, white, the exterior ones
the largest, the inner ones becoming gradually
less and antheriferous, or changing into stamens,
all inserted at the base of the germen.
Stamens numerous, large, inserted upon the germen,
under the stigma: Filaments white, the exterior
ones dilated and petaliform, the anthers small,
the interior ones less and narrower, tipped with
the long, linear, yellow, two-celled anthers, of
which the cells open longitudinally.
P ollen small, yellow, under a high magnifying power
appearing rather hispid.
P is t il large: Germen nearly round, petaliferous at the
base, staminiferous above: Style none: Stigma
large, concave, of a greenish yellow colour, of
sixteen rays, the rays ascending, having in the
centre a round yellow gland or tubercle (nectary
o f Salisbuiy).
P e r ica r p : a baccate, almost round Capsule, scarred
round its sides with the remains of the stamens
and petals, of a yellow colour, terminated with
the blackish brown stigma, of sixteen cells, the
cells containing many seeds.
Seeds numerous (many unproductive), adhering to the
inner sides of the pericarp, covered with a saccate,
double, reticulated, large, pellucid arillus,
ovate, greenish brown, under the lens appearing
beautifully dotted in lines, and marked with a
longitudinal elevated line.
I ntegument crustaceous.
Albumen in a large quantity, between mealy and
waxy, marked with a brown chalaza.
Embryo situated immediately below the extreme point,
towards the hilum of the seed, inserted in a cavity
of the albumen, large, roundish, covered with
a thin white membrane: Cotyledons between
ovate and round, fleshy, concave, white.
Radicl e extremely short, obtuse, directed towards the
hilum of the seed: Plumule large, green, two-
lobed, oblong, with a single tooth.
Fig. 1. Germen and anthers. Fig. 2. The same cut through vertically, showing a portion of the rays of the