CAMPANÜLA patula, foliis radicalibüs lanceolato-ovalibus, subpubescentibus, caulinis linearibuS
glabns, lacinns calycinis denticulatis.
CAMPANULA patula. Linn. Sp. PL p. 232. Fl. Suec. p. 66. Huch. Angl. p. 9 5 . With. Bot
A r r . ed. 4. ml. 2 .p . 238; Smith FL B r it. p . 235. . Engl. Bot. t. 42. Decand. FL
Fr. ed. 3. ml. ,3. p. 699■ Pi. Gall. Syn. p. 252. Roth Germ. ml. 2. 250. Willd
P e r s .S y n .P l. ml. L / ; . 1S8. Alton Hort. K m . ed. 2. ml. f l
p . 345; Oeder Fl. D an. t. 373.
CAMPANULA caule brachiato, foliis lanceolato-linearibus glabrisj petiolis paucifloris, nudis B all
rlelv. n-. 698.
CAMPANULA esculenta Facie, ramis et floribus patulis. ' Dill. Hort. E lth . ml. \ .p . 68. t. 58.
DU< L 2 , f f i B l Fr- Campanule ttalie. Germ. Die ossemtehcndc Glockenblume. Die
Schwedische Glockenblume. Swed.. Bldkhkka.
Class a n d Ord e r . PEN TA N D R IA M O NOGYNIA.
[N atural Or d e r . CAMPANULACEÆ, J u n . Decand-. Linn.}
9um<Jue ;(rar° quadri-) fidus. Corolla campanulala, quinquelida. Filameiita basi dilatata-
sujkM vXato. bl‘locularis’ sæpius infera foraoeinibus lateralibus aperiens, nunc apics
Radix annua, parva, fibrosa.
Ca Plis erectus, bi-vel tri-pedalis, angulatus, pilis brevibus
scaber, foliosüs, inferne simplex, superne panicü-
làtus, ramis patulis, glabriusculis.
Folia, radicalia cito decidua, ovato-lanceolata, obtusà,
basi in petiolum brevem attenuate, crenata, sca-
brâ ; caulina distantia, sessilia, alterna, lineàri-
lanceolata, subintegerrima, semiamplexicaulia,
scabriusculà, superiora sensim minora.
Ëracteæ parvæ, lineari-subulatæ.
Panicüla terminalis, patens.
Flores, ante expatîsionem, pendentësj demum erecti.
Calyx quinquepartitus, laciniis subulatis, serrato-den-
COROLLA basi attenuate, laciniis patentibus, purpurea,
lineis saturatioribus pic ta, fundo cærulescerttei
St a m in à quinque. Filamente brévia, basi dilâtata, mai-
ginibus incürvis, ciliatis. Antheræ erectte, approximate,
tubum circa stylum efformantdSj li-
neari-oblongæ, biloculares, loculis longitudinali-
ter dehiscentibus. Poliert flavum.
Ovarium inferum^ angulatum, inverse pyramidatum;
Stylus linearisj basi attenuates) pubescensj albo-
cæiulesCens. Stigmate tria, erectej demum pa-
tentia, obtusa.
Capsula infera, calycis foliolis Coronate, obloiiga, an-
gulata, basi attenuate, trilocülaris, tribus forami-
rti bus , lateralibus sub apicem dehiscens, loculis
Receptaculum spongioso-carnosum, subbilobrtrtl, an-
gulo interno singuli loculamenti longitudinaliter
Semina numerosa, parva, obovata, compressa, glabra,
ÏNTEGUMENTU M coriaceo-mem branaeeunû.
Albumen album, carnosum, semini conforme. .
Embryo axilis, rectus, oblongus, atbuâ.
Cotyledones parvæ, semicylindraceæ.
Radicula infera.
Root annual, small, fibrous.
Stem erect, two or three feet high’, angled, rough with
short hairs, leafy, below undivided, above pani-
cied, with the branches patent, smoothish.
Leaves, the radical-ones soon falling away, ovato-
lanccolate, obtuse, at the base lengthened into
a short footstalk, crenate, rough; the cauline'
ones distant, sessile, alternate, linear-lanceolate,
nearly entire, semiamplexicaul, roughish, the upper
odes gradually smaller.
Bracts small, linear-subulate.
Panicle terminal, patent.
Flowers, before expansion, pendent, at length erect.
Calyx five-cleft, the segments subulate, serrato-dentate.
Corolla attenuate at the base) the segments patent,
purple, marked with deeper lines, the bottom
Stamens five. Filaments short, dilated at the base, the
margins incurved, ciliate. Anthers erect, approximate,
forming a tube around the style, linear»
oblong, two-celled, with the cells opening longitudinally.
Pollen yellow.
Ovary inferior, angled, inversely pyramidate. Style linear,
attenuated at the base, blueish white, pubescent.
Stigmas three, erect, at length patent,
Capsule inferior, crowned with the leaflets of the calyx,
oblong, angled, attempted at the base, three-
heNed, opening with three lateral apertures near
the extremity, the cells many-seeded.
Receptacle between spongy and carnosc, somewhat
two-lobed, longitudinally fixed to the internal an-
■ gle o f each cell.
Seeds numerous, small, obovate, compressed, smooth,
I ntegument between coriaceous and membranaceous.
Albumen white, carnose, the shape of the seed.
Embryo axile, straight, oblong, white.
Cotyledons small, semicylindraceous.
1 Radicule inferior.
F'Sthet Cm»X °r il!,C seg“ en‘s and the corolla removed, to show the anthers and the style. Fig. S. An-
i — i J I
veined^ spreading corolla^ ** COnfounded with ^ 01 to - bei"8 <” >“ -narked by its panicled intloreseenee and
It flowers in the summer and autumnal months.
d i f f i c u l t " tX d T C r in f™ e f& ’ S l f f i l l leavt s of tins plant quickly wither, and fall oS; whence it is very
10 nna a flowering specimen which possesses them in a perfect state.