PYROLA rotundifolia, Horibus raccmosis undique spectantibus; staminibus adscendentibus, pistillo
longiore, deelinato.
PYROLA rotundifolia, staminibus adscendentibus, pistillo deelinato.^ Willd. Sp. P I. vol. 2. p. 621.
PYROLA rotundifolia, staminibus adscendentibus, pistillb deelinato, racemo multifloro. Smith FI. B r it.
vol. 2. p. 444. n 1
PYROLA rotundifolia. Linn. Sp. PL p. 5&. FL.Suec. p. 330. Amam. Acad vol.1. p. 156. Gmel
M ir. vol. 4. », 128. Poll. Pall. no. 395. Ocd. FI. Dan. 1 .110. RetzObs. vol. 1. p. 181.
Huds. Angl. p. 175. With. Bot. Arr. ed. 4. vol. 2. p. 391. Light/. Scot. p. 218. n u ll
Brit. FI. ed. 2. p. 122. Engl. BoL t. 213. Alton Hort. ICew. ed. 1. vol, m m m m cd. %
vol. 5. p.SS. tloffm. Germ. p. I43. Roth Germ. vol. 1. p. 181. vol. W M .
Lapp. It. 110. Fere. Sm. PI. vol. 1. p.4S3. Sturm Deutsch FI. Ic PI. Bor
Am. ml. 1. M l . P i« A B . vfet. H vol. 1. p.299. Lamarck Bluetr t. 367. ./• !•
DfcL 5. ƒ; 741. FV. FV. «/. 3. w/. 3. p. 684. Zdwi. FI? Oa//. p. 249*
Deslongch. Fl. Gall. p. 238.
PYROLA foliis subrotundis tubis recurvis. Hall. Hetv. no. 1010.
PYROLA staminibus etpistillis declinatis. Linn, Lapp. p . 169-
PYROLA. Rail Syn. p. 363.
[N atural Ord e r . ERlCACEiE, t Ovarium liberum, Decand. ERICiE, Juss. BICORNES, Vent. Linn.]
G e n . Ciia r . Cal. quinquepartitus. P e t ala quinque. Caps, supera quinquelocularis, angulis dehiscens, poly-
' '■ ■- sperma. Antherce poris duobus. Sm.
Radix perenrlis, lignosa, tenuis, repens, hie illic fi-1
Caulis fere nullus.
Eolia omnia radicalia, petiolata, rotundata, magis mi-
nusve ovata vel obovata, obtuse leniterque cre-
nata, rigida, crassiuscula, venosa, attamen gla-
berrima, læte viridia, sæpe fusco maculata ; pe-
tiolus foliis 'longior, supra canaliculatus, basi
fusco-purpureus, stipulaeeus.
SÇAPUS plerumque solitarius, foliorum longitudinem
multo excedens, apithamæus ad dodrantalem,
ereetus, stri'etus, striatus, hie illic bracteatus.
Flores terminales, undique sparsi, racemosi, laxi, pen-
'd'uli. _
PÊDUNCULI subæquales, bracteis lanceolatis, fuscis,
striâtis suffulti.
Calyx persistens, qüinquefidus, viridis, segmentas acu-
tis', roseis.. »
Corolla pentapetala, alba ; petalis concaviusculis, pa-
tentibus, rotundatis, venosis.
Stamina . decern, corolla breviora. Filamenta albo-
flavescentia, compressa, plana, lata, sursum cur-
vàta. Antheræ oblongæ, quadrisulcatæ, bilocu-
lares, loculis apicibus pax’urn productis, perforatis
(Jig. 2). Pollen fiavum, trilobum.
Ovarium superum, liberum, subrotundum, quinquelo-
bum, staminibus obtectum. Stylus persistens,
capsula mature, plusquam duplo longior (Jig. 4),
et, staminum longitudinem multo excedens, infeme
declinatus, sursum reflectitur, apice incras-
sato, truncato (fig-. 5 ).' Stigma exiguum, quin-
Pericarpium : Capsula subrotunda, depressa, apice
umbilicata, pentagona, quinquelocularis, poly-
sperma, quinquevalvis ; dissepimenta valvis al-
ternantia, e centro radiata.
Placenta centralis, quinqueloba, lobis dissepimentis
alternantibuè et cum iis unitis (Jig. 6).
Semina numerosa, placentis centralibus affixa atque
arctissime imbricata (Jig. 5).
Arillus (Goei'tn.) membranaceus, reticulatus, curvatus,
tubulosus (Jig. 8).
Embryo minutus, ovatus, fuscus.
Root perennial, woody, slender, creeping, here and there
Stem scarcely any.-
Leaves, all of them springing from the root, petiolate,
round, more or less oVate or obovate, obtusely
and slightly crenate, rigid, thickish, veined yet
smooth, deep green, often spotted with brown;
petiole longer than the leaves, canaliculated on
the upper surface, brownish-purple at the base,
and furnished with a stipule.
Scape generally solitary, much longer than the leaves,
from a span to nine inches high, erect, straight,
striated, here and there furnished with a bractea.
Flowers terminal, proceeding from every side, lax, pendulous,
and forming a raceme.
Peduncles about equal in length with the flower, beset
a t'th e base with lanceolate^ brown, striated
brae teas.
Calyx persistent, quinquefid, green, with the segments
acute, rose-coloured*
Corolla of five petals, white; having the petals a little
concave, spreading, round, veined.
Stamens ten, shorter than the corolla. Filaments yellowish
white, compressed, flat, broad, curved upwards.
Anthers oblong, with four furrows, two-
celled, the cells somewhat produced at the mouth,
' and perforated (fig . 2). Pollen yellow, three-
Ovary superior, free, roundish, five-lobed, concealed
by the stamens. Style persistent, more than
twice as long as the mature capsule (fig. 4), and
much exceeding the length of the stamens; below
bent downwards, towards the apex pointing
upwards, the extremity itself thickened, truncate
(fig. 5). Stigma small, five-lobed.
Pericarp : A roundish, depressed capsule, umbilicated
above, pentangular, five-celled, many seeded, and
having five valves;- the dissepiments alternating
with the valves, and radiating from the centre of
the capsule.
Placenta central, five-lobed, with the lobes alternat-
incr with the dissepiments, and united with them
(fig. 6).
Seeds numerous, affixed to the central placenUe, and
closely imbricated (Jig- 5).
Aril (Garin.) membranaceous, reticulated, curved,
tubular (fig. 8).
I Embryo minute, ovate; brown.
Fig. 1. Corolla with the stamens and style, natural size. Fig. 2. Stamen. Fig. 3. Pollen grains, f ig . *.
Mature capsule. Fig. 5. The same perpendicularly dissected,, to show the arrangement of the seeds on the placenta;.
Fig. 6. Capsule transversely dissected, showing the radiated dissepiments and the five-lobed placenta
with its seeds. Fig. 7. Seeds, natural size. Fig. 8. One of the same magnified.- (Fig. 2, 3, 5, and 6 are like-
wise more or less magnified.)
Linneus’s observation is perfectly just, that “ Pyroliu omnes amant loca dura elumbrosn ; hmc semper m sjrlvis
opacis, vix unquam in pratis legunjur.” One solitary habitat, however, we possessed for the present species
marshy spot, upon Gorlcstonc common, near Yarmouth, away from trees, though among the smaller salices and