G ERA N IUM lucidum ; pedunculis bifloris, foliis rotundatis quinquelobis, calycibus pyramidatis, an-
gulatis, dentato-tuberculatis ; capsulis rugosis, dorso hirsuto.
G ERA N IUM lucidum. Linn. Sp. P l. p. 955, Huds. F l. An g l.p . 304. L ig h t/. Scot. p . 3 7 0 .With.
Bot. A rr. cd. 4. vol: 3. p. 594. Belli.. Cant. p. 262. Sil/th. Ox. p. 214. Roth Germ,
vol. 2. p. 141. Iloffm. Germ. p. 244; Oeder FI. D a n /t. 218. Willd. Sp. PI. m l. 3.
p. 709. Smith Fl. B r it. p .‘733. Engl. Bót. t. 75. Decand. FI. Fried. 3. ml. 4. p. 850.
Decand. Fl. Gall. p. 408. Lam. Diet. vol. 2. p. 66Ö. Deslongch. Fl. Gall: p. 428.
Pers. Syn. PI. vol 2. p. 236, A it. Hort. Kezv. ed. 2. vol, 4. ^ . .189-
G E RANIUM caule herbaeeo, foliis oppositis pilosis lucidis rotundato-lobatis, calycibus pyramidatis
transyersiib rugosis.! Cavan, Diss. 4. p. 214. t. 80. f 2. ...
G ERA N IUM foliis'subvotundisj semiquinquelobis. lobis obtusis, calycibus transversim rugosis. Hall,
Helv. n. 942.
G ERA N IUM lucidum saxatile. Bank. Pin. p. 318.
G ERANIUM saxatile. Rail Syn. p. 3 6L.;. *
Welsh. P ig y r Aran disclaer.
C lass and Ord e r . M O N A D E L PH IA DECANDRIA.
rN atural Ord e r . GEHANIEJE, Decandollc. GERANIA, Juss. Adam. G ERA N IO ID E .E , te n t.
G en .' Ch ar. ' P a l. pentanhyllus. Co... peiitapetala regularis. A t a . glandute quingoe' meliiferu,; basi longio-
rum lilamentorum adnatte. A r ill i quinque monospermi aristati ad basin receptaculi rostra l , ans is nu is s m
plicibus nec spiralibus nec barbatis. JVilld.
R adix annua, parva, fibrosa, ramosa, fusca:
C aulis spithamæus ad petlalem, teres, primum viridis,
demum purpureus, glaber, nitidus, fragil is, valde
ramosus, 19,1ms plerumque dichotomis, divarica-
tis, bàsi tumidiiisculis; ' ■
Folia, inféra præcipue, longe peliolata, opposita, glabra,
nitida, subcarnosä, reniformi-subrotunda,
quinqueloba, lobis ovalis ; color viridis, ætate
Stipulæ parvæ, ovatæ, squamiformes.
PedüNCULI solitarii in axillis foliorum, divaricati, gla-
' bri, furcati, ' biliori.
JFlores parvi, rosei,
Calyx pyramidatus, quinquepartitus, segmentis ovatis,
acutis, glabris, viridi bus, purpureo-lineatis : duobus
uninerviis, f i g . 4. 5. tribus binerviis, / g . % —
uninervia concava, margine meihbrânacea, carinata,
nervo prominente, in hoc nudo, in altero
utrinquè tuberculis dentiformibus, decurrentibus
armato ; reliquatria dorso insigrtiter canaliculata,
et nervis duobus lateralibus instructs; nervi utrin-
que tuberculis dentiformibus decurrentibus arma-
ti, ut nudo oculo calycis segmenta quasi transversim
corrugati appareant.
Corolla pentapetala: petalorum ungue angusto, limbo
oväto, patente.
Stamin a decern; Filamenta Corolla breviora, inferne
dilatala, membranacea, hinc linea e le v a ta ,^ . 7.
Anthera rotundäta, biloba, flava, bilocularis, se-
P ollen pro ratione antlierte magnum, flavum, spha?ri-
cum, tuberculis tribus instructum, / g . 16, 17.
Ovarium quinquelobum; Stylus staminibus longitudine
ffiqualis, striatus, sursum attenuatus et scaber;
Stigma quinquefidum.
P erica rpium : Cocculi quinque, ovati, fusci, coriaceo-
. membranacei, .unilocularcs, dorso rugis longitu-
nalibus transversisque notati, facie anteriore rima
longitudinaliter fissi, apice rimee marginibusque
ciliato-hirsuto, / g . 11, 12. supra arista longis-
sima glabra elastice dissilientes. Hi Cocculi in
receptaculi partis inferioris sulcis quinque vel ca-
vitatibus circa axem communem positi sunt.
Semen unicum, ovatum, pallide carnosum v. fuscum,
/ g . 13. glabrum. .
Integumentum simplex (duplex, Geert.) membrana-
Albumen nullum.
E mbryo seminis magnitudine, fig . 14. pallide flaves-
cens; Cotyledones foliaceas, convolut£e,y/g\ 15 ;
Radicula e summitate basin versus deflexa, et
ita, adversa.
Root annual, small, fibrous, branched, brown.
Stem from a span' to a foot high, round, a t first green,
then- purple, smooth, shining, fragile, much
branched, with the branches generally dichotomous,
divaricating, swelling a t the base.
Leaves, the lower ones principally, on long footstalks,
opposite, smooth, shining, somewhat fleshy, between
reniform and round, tive-lobed; lobes ovate:
. the colour green, becoming reddish purple with
St ipu l e s small,_ ovate, resemblingscales.
P eduncles solitary in th e axils of the leaves, divaricate,
smooth, forked, two-flowered.
F lowers small, rose-coloured.
‘ Calyx pyramidate, quinquepartite, with the segments
ovate, acute, smooth, green, with purple lines :
: tw'o of them are one-nerved, fig. 4, 5. three are .
tw o -n e rv e d th o s e with one nerve are concave,
having a membranaceous margin,.carinated, and
a prominent nerve, in one naked, in the other
armed on each side with tooth-like decurrent tubercles
; the remaining three are remarkably canaliculate
on the back and furnished with two lateral
nerves; the nerves, on each side, armed
with tooth-like decurrent tubercles, so that, to the
naked eye, the segments of the calyx appear to
be transversely wrinkled.
Corolla of five petals: the claw of the petals narrow,
the limb ovate, patent,
I Stamens te n ; Filaments shorter than the Corolla, below
dilated, membranaceous, oh one side having
an elevated line, fig . 7. Anther spherical, two-
lobed, yellow, two-celled, somewhat pellucid.
P ollen laree in proportion to the size of the anther, yellow,
spherical, having three tubercles, fig . 16, 17.
Ovary five-lobed; Style equal in length to the stamens,
striated, attenuated upwards, and rough; Stigma
P erica r p : five Coecules, ovate, brown, between co-
riaceous and membranaceous, one-celled, on the
back marked w'ith longitudinal and transverse
wrinkles, cleft on the anterior side with a longitudinal
opening, at the apex and margins ciliato-
hirsute, fig . 11, 12. above bursting elastically
by means of a long smooth arista. These. Coc-
cules are lodged, about a common axis, in five
furrows or cavities in the lower part o f the re-
. ceptacle.
Se ed one, ovate, pale flesh colour, or brown, fig . 13.
and smooth.
I ntegument simple, (double, Geert.) membrana-
Albumen none.
E mbryo of the same size as the seed, fig. 14. pale
yellow; Cotyledons foliaceous, convolute,fig . 15.
Radicle arising from the summit, bent downwards
towards the base, and thus adverse.
Fi<r. 1. Flower. Fig. 2. One of the larger calycine segments, exterior view. Fig. 3. Inner view of ditto.
°Fig. 4 and 5. The two smaller calycine segments. Fig. 6. Petal. Fig. 7. Anther. Fig. 3. Ovarium and
style. Fig. 9. Perfect fruit with the persistent calyx. Fig. 10. Receptacle for the seeds, t ig . \ \. A single
Coccule. Fig. 12. Anterior view of the same. Fig. 13. Seed. Fig. 14. Embryo. % . 15, Coccule transversely
cut to show the conduplicatureof the Embryo. Fig. 16. Anther. Fig. 17. Pollen, a more or ess
This plant is by no means of rare occurrence in tire stony and somewhat mountainous countries o f Great Britain.
In the eastern parts of the kingdom it is so scarce, that I know of no wild station in the county of Norfolk, and
but one in Suffolk, .which is near Bury: for although it grows abundantly in the hedge-banks at Lakenham. near
Norwich, it is well known to have been planted there some years since by- the late Mr. Crowe of mat place.