as an undoubted native of Devonshire by Hudson, Stackhouse,
and other early writers on these plants. Hudson says of it, “ in
Devoniapassim,” and Stackhouse gives “ Devonshire and S.W.
coast ” as the station, but adds, “ This species is rare, and has
occasioned mistakes among om- English botanists, who, after the
example of Gmelin, have given it the trivial name of F.foeniculaceus,
which appears, by the Linnæan herbarium, to be a very different
species,” &c. Both these authors quote GmeliiTs figure, whicli.
Turner observes, “ is so characteristic ” of his F. barbatus “ as
to take away all doubts as to the species.” The last-named
author, however, adds, “ How far F. barbatus is really entitled
to a place in the British Flora I own I entertain much doubt. I
never saw a specimen gathered on our shores ; and in Devonshire,
where Hudson is stated to have gathered it, I have been
fortunate enough to enjoy the advantage of correspondents, who
would have been little likely to have left it unnoticed.” This
was written upwards of thirty years ago, since which time no
part of England has been more zealously or more successfully
explored (as these volumes bear ample evidence) than the coasts
of Devonshire and Cornwall, but no one has met with a scrap of
this plant ; wherefore I fear it is but too evident that it has no
claim to a place in this work.
. 1. Cystoseira ba r ba ta ; branch natural size. 3. Dichotomous
ramulus:—magnified. 3. A receptacle and air-vessel:—rather more mag-
{The synonymes are printed in Italics.)
Agardhia Bursa, Cabrera...........
290 1 Callithamnion thuyoideum, Ag. .
Aglaiophyllum laceratum., Mont.. 267 tripinnatum, Harv. 269
Aglaiozonia parvula, Zan.............. 841 versicolor, Ag. . .. 272
reptans. Kg................ 341 vii-gatulum, Harv. 313
Alcyonium Bursa, L ......... 290 Callophyllis cristata. Kg............... 307
Aplonema bangioides, Hass. .. . 268 Calothrix cæspitula, Harv............ 305
Asperocaulon coccineus, Grev. . ,. 253 confervicola, Ag........... 254
Asperococcus castaneum, Carm. . . 285 hydnoides, Carm......... 306
Laminariæ, J. Ag. . 295 lamellata, Harv............ 309
pusillus, Carm......... 270 luteola, Grev................. 342
Bangia ceramicola, Chauv............. 817 melaleuca, Carm........... 342
ciliaris, Carm..................... 322 semiplena, Ag.............. 309
elegans, Chauv.................. 246 Ceramium brachygonium, Lyngb. 392
Laminarice, Lyngb........... 295 ceramicola, Ag............ 317
Bursa marina, Bauhin.............. 290 corymbosum, Ag.......... 272
Callithamnion affine, Ilarv.......... 331 deouiTens, Kg............. 276
arbuscula, Lyngb.. 274 elongatum, Roth......... 392
byssoideum, Arn. 262 fastigiatum, Harv. . . 255
coccineum, Lyngb. 253 fastigiatum, Roth. .. . 299
corymbosum, A g .. 272 hirsutum, Roth, . . . . . 253
Daviesii, Lyngb. .. 314 Hookeri, Ag-................ 279
fasciculatum, Ilarv. 308 molle, Roth................. 284
floridulum, Lyngb. 297 patens, Grev................ 253
Hookeri, Ag.......... 279 Pluma, A g................... 296
lanosum, Harv. . . . 279 Plumula, Ag............... 242
mesocarpum, Carm. 825 simplicifilum, DC. . .. 287
Pluma, Ag............. 296 strictum. Kg................ 334
Plumula, Lyngb. . 342 versicolor, Ag.............. 272
Plumula ¡3, Lyngb. 294 ChfStophora marina, A g ................ 324
sparsum, Harv. .. 297 Chlorosiphon Laminariæ, Harv. . 295
spinosum, Harv. .. 279 pusillus, Harv........... 270
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