265. f a s c i c u la tu m ; plumnles long, erect, Hnear-obovate, truncate; pinnæ
flexuous, the lower simple, appressed, the upper erecto-patent, ramulose
near the tip ; articulations of the branches veiny, thrice, of the ramuli once
or twice as long as broad, with contracted dissepiments. (T ab . CCCVIII.)
266. B o r r e r i ; much branched, subdistichous, slender; branches set with
plumules which are bare of ramuli in their lower half, and simply pinnate
in their upper ; pinnæ patent ; articulations of the branches 2-5 times, of
the pinnæ twice, as long as broad ; tetraspores roundish, sessile on the
inner face of the pinnules. (T ab . CLIX.)
267. a ffin e ; much branched and bushy; stem veiny; secondary branches long,
densely plumulate ; plumules very narrow, simply pinnate ; pinnæ short,
erect, the upper longest, crowded at the tips ; articu ations of the branches
3-4, of the pinnæ once and half as long as broad ; tetraspores solitary
super-axfflary. (Tab. CCCXXXI.)
268. t r i p m n a t u m ; distichous, capillaiy, decompound-pinnate; plumules obovate,
tripinnate above ; the lower pinnæ short and abortive ; each pinna
having at its axil a minute pinnule ; tetraspores oval, lateral on the axillai-v
pinnules. (T ab . LXXVII.)
2 6 9 . g r a c i ll im um ; distichously branched, fan-shaped; stems capillary, decom-
posito-pinnate ; plumules bi-tri-pinnate ; articulations of the stem 3 -4 , of
the pinnæ 2 - 3 times as long as broad ; tetraspores terminating the ultimate
pinnules. (T ab . V.)
2 7 0 . th u y o id e um ; capillary, distichously decompound, and repeatedly pinnate;
plumules bi-tri-pinnate, lanceolate; articulations variable; tetraspores on
the tips of the ultimate pinnules, (Tab. CCLXIX.)
* * * * articulate ; branches and ramuli dichotomous,
271. c o rym b o s um ; setaceous below, byssoid above, excessively branched;
lesser branches repeatedly dichotomous, level-topped ; ramuli many times
forked; articulations of the branches 8-10 times as long as broad- tetraspores
solitary and axillai-y, sessile. (T ab . CCLXXII.)
272. s p o n g io s um ; stems robust, opake and veiny; branches quadrifarious,
thickly clothed with dichotomous ramuli ; axils patent ; apices bifid - articulations
of the branches swollen at^ the joints, twice or thrice as long as
broad. (T ab . CXXV.) “
2 7 3 . p e d ic e lla tum ; setaceous, pellucid, jointed throughout, irregularly divided;
lesser branches dichotomous; apices vei-y o b tuse; articulations several
fames as long as b ro ad ; tetraspores stalked, pear-shaped, axillary. (T ab .
iy or
274. R o th i i ; widely spreading, densely tufted; filaments veiy short, subdioho-
tomous ; branches veiy erect, straight, simple ; articulations twice as lon»-
as broad ; tetraspores oval, clustered, on short subterminal, corymbose ra°
muh. (T ab . CXX. B.)
275. f lo r id n lum ; tufts very dense, globose, fastigiate; filaments slender, dichotomous;
branches very erect, straight, simple ; articulations thrice as
long as broad; tetraspores oval, on short secund pedicels, along the
branches. (T ab . CXX. A ) i- = d
276. m e so c a rp um ; rising from creeping filaments ; stems erect, subsimple ;
branches alternate, very erect, naked or nearly so ; articulations 4 -5 times
pUteefs'' (t Te ^CCcS T ) * ' ’“ S’ simple or forked, lateral
277. sp a r sum ; parasitical, minute, scattered; filaments tufted, sparingly
branched ; branches simple, spreading, unequal ; articulations 2-3 times as
long as broad. (T ab . CCXCVII.)
278. D a v ie s ii; rose-red, minute, tufted, much branched ; branches curved; ramuli
longish, crowded toward the axils of the secondary branches ; tetraspores
on the axillary ramuli, stalked. (Tab. CCCXIV.)
279. v ir g a ta lum ; rose-red, minute, tufted, much branched; branches long and
straight, alternate or secund; ramuli from every joint, short, obtuse,
mostly secund ; articulations thrice as long as broad ; tetraspores scattered.
(T ab. CCCXIII.)
380. B u r s a ; frond spherical, hollow. (T a b . CCXC.)
281. adhaerens; frond forming a velvety crust on the surface to which it
adheres. (T ab . XXXV. A )
282. amp hib ium ; fronds minute, erect, cylindrical, simple or nearly so, obtuse,
aggregated in widely spreading strata. (T ab . XXXV. B )
283. tom en to sum ; frond dichotomous. (T ab . XCIII.)
284. p lum o sa ; branches naked below, closely p innated ahovc the middle ; pinnæ
subdistichous. (T ab . I I I .)
285. b y p n o id e s; slender, very much bran ch ed ; ramuli capillary, ramellose
towards th e tips, irregularly inserted. (T a b . CXIX.)
286. su bm a r in a ; tufted, dichotomous, fastigiate; sporangia numerous, lateral,
sessile, ovate or lanceolate. (T ab . CCCL. B )
287. m a r in a ; tu fted ; branches few, long, obtuse; sporangia solitary, obovate,
pedicellate, lateral. (T ab . CCCL. A )
388. v e lu tiu a ; filaments creeping; branches short, erect, fastigiate, woven into
a velvety stratum ; sporangia globose, soKtary, lateral, on short stalks.
(T a b . CCCXXI.)
389. Bro-wnii; tufts cushion-Kke, dense, fastigiate; filaments interwoven, flex-
uons, slightly bran ch ed ; branches subsimple; articulations thickened
upwards, 4-5 times as long as broad. (T ab . XXX.)
390. r e p e n s ; tufts dense, globular ; filaments rooting below, slightly branched ;
branches erect, sub-simple; ramuli few; articulations cylindrical, 1 0 -2 0
times as long as broad. (T a b . CCXXXVI.)
391. p e lluc id a ; rigid, erect, setaceous, dark green, di-trichotomous; axils of