CVIII. Sph*ROZYGA. Filaments free, separate, naked.
C IX . S p e rm o s ir a . Filaments free, sepa ra te ; each enclosed in a very delicate,
membranous, filiform tube.
Order 19. P a lm e l l a c e * .
Sub-order. H o bm o s p o k e* . Cells contained in confmoid, simple or branch-
CX. H o rm o s p o r a .
Order 1. FUCACE.E.
1. v u lg a r e ; stem filiform, alternately branched; leaves lanceolate, serrated,
strongly ribbed, g lan d u la r; air-vessels on compressed stalks, spherical,
pointless; receptacles axiUary, unarmed. (T ab . CCCXLIII.)
2. b a c c if e r um ; leaves linear-lanceolate, very narrow, without pores; air-vessels
spherical, miicronate. (T ab . CIX.)
3. s iliq u o s a ; branches linear; air-vessels compressed, linear-lanceolate, slightly
constricted at the septa, mucrouate. (T ab . LXYI.)
4. e ric o id e s j stem short, bearing numerous decompound branches, which are
densely clothed with short, spine-like ramuli; air-vessels small, solitary;
receptacles armed. (T ab . CCLXV.)
5. g r a n n l a t a ; branches bulbous at the base; receptacles elongate, without
mucro. (T ab . LX.)
6. b a r b a t a j branches bulbous at the base; receptacles short, mucronate.
(Tab. CCCLX.)
7. fo e n ic u la c e a ; branches slender, rough with hard points, repeatedly dichotomo
pinnate; air-vessels small, one or two together; receptacles minute,
smooth, linear-lanceolate. (T ab . CXXII.)
8. f ib r o s a ; branches slender, bi-tri-pinnate; pinnules set with setaceous
ramuli; vesicles elliptical, soUtary or in pairs; receptacles very long, set
with spine-hke processes. (T ab . CXXXIII.)
9. tu b e r c u la tu s . (T ab . LX X X IX .)
10. v e s ic u lo s u s ; frond flat, midribbed, dichotomous, entire; air-vessels in pairs
or absent; receptacles turgid, terminal. (T ab . CCIV.)
11 . c e r a n o id e s ; frond plane, coriaceo-mmSraMceo««, entire, midribbed, without
vesicles, dichotomous, with lateral narrow, dichotomous, fastigiate, fertile
branches. (Tab. CCLXXI.)
12. s e r r a t u s ; frond flat, midribbed, serrated, without air-vessels. (T ab . XLVII.)