P l a t e CCCXLVII. C.
M e lo b e s i a wn-Kca;!«; thin, expanded, irregularly lobed, pallid, dotted
over with innumerablej small, pimply ceramidia.
H a b . With the preceding.
m i c a Patches from a quarter to half an inch in length, oblong, variously lobed
at tlie margin, uneven. Ceramidia very numerous, minute.
0. Fig. 1. Melobesia veekuoata -.— natural size. 2. A portion i
P l a t e CCCXLVII. D.
M e lo b e s i a thick, dull purple or green, oblong or lobed, in
conicid“’ ceramidia numerous, large, rather prominent
Melobesia pustulata, Lamour. Cor. Mex. pi. 13. f. 2. a. B. Kiitz 8v Ala
p. 696. Harv.Man.
H a b . On Phyllophora ruhens and other Alg®; common.
D escb Patches often an inch or more in length, and half an inch broad, tHckish
of irregular foi-m, frequently lobed, closely adhering to flat surfaces o4
clasping cyhndrical stems, the surface more or less uneven. Ceramidia
several on each patch, clustered, of large size in proportion to those of
other alhed species, prominent, conical. Colour, when well grown a dark
reddish purple, changing to green and finally to white.
L ). Fig. 1. M e lo b e s ia p u s t u l a t a ;—;■natural size. 2. A
I have thought it best to figure these four reputed species on
one plate, that the slight differences noticed between them mat
be seen.