Re»v« k 131*1191« , Laj .
P l a t e CCCXL.
G e n . Ch a r . Frond tubular, membranaceous, of a green colour and reticulated
structure. Frnctification, granules, commonly in fours,
contained in the cells of the frond. E n t e r o m o r p h a [Link),—from
e v r e p o v , an entrail, and p.op<firi,form or appearance.
E n t e r o m o r p h a clathrata ; frond cylindrical, filiform, slender, highly reticulated
; branches spreading, much divided, set with divaricated or
recurved, slender, spine-like ramuli.
E nteromorpha clathrata, Orev. Alg. Brit. p. 181 (in part). Hook. Brit. FI.
vol. ii. p. 315. Wyatt, Alg. Danm. Ho. 3is. i/ar«. ilf« . ed. 1. p. 175. ed. 3.
p. 314. M U . Sp. Alg. p. 479.
Solenia clathrata, Ag. Syst. Alg. p. 186.
ScYTOSiPHON clathratus, Dyngb. Hyd. Dan. p. 66. t. 16.
S cY T O S iP H O N p a r a d o x u s , FI. Dan. 1 . 1 5 9 5 . f . 3 .
U lva clathi'ata, Ag. Syn. p. 46.
Conferva clathrata. Both, Cat. SoA vol.iii. p. 175.
Conferva paradoxa, DUlw. Conf. p. 70. t. P. E. Bot. t. 3338.
H a b. In rock-pools, between tide-marks. Annual. Spring and Summer.
Not uncommon.
Geoor. D is t r . Shores of Europe.
D esor. Boot a small disc. Eronds densely tufted, often inextricably tangled
together at the base, from six to eight inches long or more, varying in diameter
from the fineness of human hair to that of stout bristles, excessively
and irregularly branched ; the branches issuing at aU sides, of very unequal
leng-ths, patent, and attenuated at the apex, ending in a fine point. The
principal branches are furnished with a varying number of lesser divisions,
and aU are more or less copiously beset with short, slender, awl-shaped,
simple or forked, spine-like ramuli, which stand out nearly horizontally from
the branches. Reticulations of the membrane of large size, and somewhat
quadrate. Colour of a fine, clear gi-ass-green, becoming paler when dried.
Substance soft and flaccid, membranous. In diying the plant adheres
pretty firmly to paper.
This is nearly related to E. ramulosa, but is of a much softer
substance, usually more slender in its tube, and more repeatedly
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