so peculiar that I formerly considered myself justified m assigning
it a specific name. How far I acted wisely may be
questioned. At any rate, as it lias borne a name in British
works for many years, it is right that it should now be figured,
that persons visiting the western shores of Scotland may look
out for it. Rigid and spiny as it looks, I have sometimes
thought that it may be only an extravagant form of Fol. f i brinosa.
Fio- 1. P o l t s i p i i o n i . 4 - C a k m i c h - I e m a n a H a t o ’a / Sire. 2. A portion of
" a secondary branch with ramuli. 3. Apex of a ramulus. i . Portion
of the stem. 5. Cross section of a small branch. 6. Cross section ol the
stem :— all more or less i
III fl. 'i'.i