I i
216. W i g g i i ; frond filiform ; branches alternate, repeatedly divided, attenuate;
ramuli spindle-shaped, quadrifarious. (T ab . XXXVIII.)
2 1 7 . c ap iU a rU . (T ab . L V I I .)
218. m uU ifid um ; f im d dichotomous, shglitly branched, duU pm’plisli-red; the
axils rounded. (T ab . XXXVI.)
2 1 9 . p u r p u r e u m ; stem undivided, attenuate at the base and a p ex ; branches
lateral, scattered, tapering, naked or having a second series of similar
branchlets. (T ab . CLXI.)
220. c o c c ín e a ; rosy red, frregularly much branched; branches moniliform, attenuated
upwards, decompound. (T a b . CCXLIV.)
221. d iv a r ic a t a ; pale red, excessively branched; branches horizontal, once or
twice pinnated ; ramuli divaricating. (T ab . CX.)
2 2 2 . a t te n u a t a . (T ab . C V I.)
223. p lum o s a ; cartilaginous, decompound ; secondary branches bi-tri-pinnate;
pinnæ and pinnulæ opposite, the latter subulate, iuarticuîate, but traversed
by a jointed midrib ; favellæ involúcrate, pedicellate. (T ab . LXXX.)
2 2 4 . s e r i c e a ; flaccid; the pinnulæ articulate, formed of a single row of cells.
(Tab. CXCI.)
225. g la n d n lo s a . (T ab . XXIX.)
* Smooth ; frond uniformly coloured throughout.
226. m b r u m ; robust, gradually attenuated, frregularly dichotomous with
lateral, forked or multifid ramuli ; apices hooked inwards ; articulations
unai-med, coloured ; tetraspores whorled, immersed ; faveUæ involúcrate,
on the lateral branchlets. (T a b . CLXXXI.)
227. b o tr y o c a r p u m ; filaments crooked at the base, robust, attenuated, frregularly
dichotomous, with crowded, lateral, mostly simple ramuli ; apices
straight ; articulations coated with cells, unarmed ; dissepiments constricted
; tetraspores whorled, immersed ; favellæ terminating the lateral
branchlets, involúcrate. (Tab. CCXV.)
(The so-caRed “fmellee” of the text (under PI. CCXV.) are diseased
* * Smooth ; nodes coloured, internodes colourless.
228. d e e u i r e n s ; robust, attenuated, dichotomous, with lateral dichotomous
branchlets; apices hooked inwards; internodes partially clothed with
coloured cells, which extend from the nodes, but leave a colourless band
in the centre of each internode. (T ab . CCLXXVI.)
229. D e s lo n g cb am p s ii ; subsetaceous, attenuated, irregularly dichotomous, with
or without lateral ramuli ; apices straight, spreading ; internodes colourless,
the lower thrice as long as broad, upper very short ; dissepiments purple,
scarcely swollen ; tetraspores whorled. (T ab . CCXIX.)
230. diap b anum; filaments setaceous, attenuated upwards, irregularly dichotomous,
with short, lateral, dichotomous ramuli ; internodes colourless, the
lower long ; nodes swollen, coloured ; tetraspores whorled in the nodes ;
favellæ subterminal, involúcrate. (T ab . CXCIII.)
231. g ra c illim um ; excessively slender, very flaccid, dichotomous, with minute,
flabelliform, dichotomous, lateral ramuli ; internodes colourless, long ; nodes
opake, purple ; favellæ on the lateral ramuli, with a spreading involucre.
(T ab . CCVI.)
232. s tr ic tum ; capillary, dichotomous, aU the divisions straight and erect, with
narrow, acute axils ; apices slightly incurved ; internodes colourless ; nodes
(smooth or hairy) opake, purple ; favellæ near the ends of the branches, involúcrate
; spores erunipent, whorled. (T ab . CCCXXXIV.)
233. n o d o sum ; capillary, rigid, dichotomous, fastigiate; axils very patent;
articulations pellucid, 4 -6 times as long as broad ; dissepiments swollen ;
tetraspores erumpent, on the outer edge of short ramuli ; favellæ near the
tips of short ramuli. (Tab. XG.)
234. fa s tig ia tum ; capillary, flaccid, dichotomous, level-topped, rosy; axUs
acute ; internodes pellucid, 4 - 6 times longer than broac, the upper short
and coloured; nodes coated with
involúcrate. (T ab . CCLV.)
.* * * Nodes
cells, not swollen ; favellæ subterminal.
Í spines or
235. f la b e ll ig e r um ; setaceous, attenuated upwards, flabeUately branched, irregularly
dichotomous, with lateral, forked ramuli; the internodes clothed
with coloured cellules; apices nearly straight; nodes contracted, each
armed on the outer edge with a single, minute, subulate, coloured, 3-jointed
prickle; tetraspores erumpent, whorled round the joint. (T ab. CXLIV.)
236. e c h io n o tum ; dichotomous, fastigiate, with peUucid internodes; apices
involute; nodes armed with numerous, slender, scattered, subulate, colourless,
1-jointed prickles; tetraspores solitary, erumpent, on the outer edge
of the node; favellse subtended by several, strongly incurved ramuli.
(T ab. CXLI.)
237. a c a n tb o n o tu m ; dichotomous, fastigiate, with peUucid internodes; apices
strongly involute; uodes armed on the outer edge with a single, robust,
broadly subulate, coloui-ed, three-jointed prickle; tetraspores erumpent,
whorled round the n o d e ; favellm subtended by a short ramulus.
(T ab . CXL.)
238. c i lia tum ; dichotomous, fastigiate, with peUucid internodes; apices strongly
involute; nodes whorled with several robust, subulate, 3-jointed prickles;
tetraspores alternating with the prickles; faveUas subtended by two or three
ramuli. (T ab. CXXXIX.)
239. f il am e n to s a ; irregularly branched, subopake; branches set with setaceous
ramuli. (T ab. XLVI.)