356. c o n fe rv ic o la ; filaments short, tufted, glaucous green, opake, blunt, rigid,
nearly straight. (T ab , CCLIV.)
357. m n c o r, Ag.—Br. El. vol. ii. p. 367. (Unknown to me)
358. lu t e o la ; filaments exceedingly minute, slender, scattered, filiform, obtuse,
hyaline or containing light green endochrome. (T ab . CCCXLII.)
359. s c o p u lo rum ; stratum velvety, dirty green; filaments flexuous, subulate,
subattenuate, simple. (Tab. LVIII. B )
360. f a s c i c u la t a ; stratum widely spreading, velvety, dark green; filaments
straight, subulate, attenuated, fasciculately pseudo-branched. (T ab.
L V lil. A )
3 6 1 . p a u n o s a ; filaments long, much curled, and densely interwoven into lamel-
lated tufts or honey-combed strata; endochrome filling the tube, dark
green, densely annulated. (T ab . LXXVI.)
362. s em ip le n a ; filaments long, slender, tough, flexuous, densely interwoven in
lamellated tufts; endoeln'ome glaucous, frequently interrupted, leaving
parts of the tube empty. (T ab . CCCIX.)
363. h y d n o id e s ; patches widely spreading, dark green; filaments flexuous,
decumbent, their tips cohering in rigid, erect, tooth-like fascicles; border
rather wide. (T ab . CCCVI.)
364. cK s p itu l a ; tufts convex, soft, cusliioned, blackish-green; filaments densely
packed, flexuous, obtuse, not attenuated; border nan’ow. (T ab. CCCV.)
* Tube continuous; endochrome cylindncal, imperfeotly annulated.
365. m a ju s c u la ; strata of large dimensions, blackish-green; filaments tliick,
bundled, twisted, obtuse; endoclu-ome densely annulated. (T ab . LXII.)
366. f e r r u g in e a ; filaments slender, flaccid, forming a stratum of a verdigris-
green colour, which at length changes to pale chestnut. (T ab . CCCXI.)
* * Tube imperfectly articulated;
3 6 7 . C a rm ich a e lii; filaments very long, thickish, curled, grass-green; tube
imperfectly jointed. (T ab. CLXXXVI. A )
3 6 8 . sp e c io s a ; filaments very long, thick, flaccid, straight, at length curled, the
margin slightly crenate, yellow-green, glossy when dry ; tube imperfectly
jointed. (T ab. CLXXXVI. B )
3 6 9 . flacca; filaments short, tufted, nearly straight, occasionally proliferous,
articulated ; articulations shorter than their breadth ; endochrome a t length
much contracted. (T ab . CCG.)
3 7 0 . C u tle r iæ ; exceedingly slender. Soft, articulated; articulations as long as
broad, the endochrome a t length spherical. (Tab. CCCXXXVI.)
371. a n g u ifo rm is ; sheaths snake-like, simple, decumbent, tapering to one extremity
; striae distant. (T ab . CCXLIX.)
3 7 2 . U tto ra lis ; stratum vivid green; filaments thick, dark green, curved; striæ
conspicuous, closely set. (T ab . CV. A.)
3 7 3 . su b sa lsa , Ag.—Br. El. vol. ii. p. 3 7 6 . (Unknown to me)
374. spira lis ; stratum membranaceous, dark green, not very lubricous ; filaments
slender, spirally twisted, densely interwoven. (T ab . CV. B )
375. n ig r o v ir id is; stratum very dark; filaments pale green, with obtuse,
curved apices ; striæ distant, half the diameter of the filament. (Tab.
376. su b n lifo rm is; stratum æruginous-green; filaments bright green, subuli-
form ; striæ distant i - f the diameter of the filament. (Tab. CCLI. B )
377. in s ig n is ; stratum blackish-brown ; filaments brown, very thick, their apices
obtuse, slightly oblique and ciliated ; striæ very close. (T ab. CCLI. 0 )
378. ten u is sim a ; stratum very lubricous, æruginous ; filaments densely spiral,
very slender, flexuous. (T ab . CV. C)
379. Hutchinsiæ, Kiitz. (Unknown to me)
380. intricata. (TaB. CCLVI.)
381. C a rm ich a e lii; spores oblong, twice or thrice as long as broad, next the
connecting cell. (T ab . CX III. A )
382. T h w a ite s ii; spores elliptical, once and a half as long as broad, distant
from the ciliated connecting cell. (T ab . CX III. B .)
383. B ro om e i; spores numerous, elliptical, twice as long as wide, commencing
nearest the connecting cells, which are smooth and subquadrate.
(Tab. C LXXIII. A )
384. B e rk e le y a n a ; spores large, twice the width of ordinary cells, oblong, half
as long again as wide, brown when mature, two on eadi side the connecting
cell, which is spheroidal. (Tab. CLXXIII. B )
385. R a lfs ii, Thw.—Harv. Man. ed. 2. p. 233. (Notfigured)
386. lito r e a ; filaments nearly straight; cells very short, compressed, closely
packed; spores elliptical, not wider than the cells. (T ab . CXIII. 0 )
387. H a r v e y a n a ; filaments much curved, composed of cells nearly as long as
broad ; spores exactly spherical, almost twice the diameter of the cells ;
connecting cells subquadrate, rather longer than wide, and of the same
width as the ordinary ceUs. (T ab . CLXXIII. 0 )
388. r am o sa ; branched; endochrome radiated. (T ab . CCXIII.)