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P l a t e CGC.
G en. Cha» . MlamenU destitute of a mucous layer, free, flexible, elongated,
decumbent, not oscillating. Tube continuous; endochrome
green or purple, densely annulated and finally separating into lenticular
sporidia. L yngbya {Ag.),— m honour of Hans
Lyngbye, author of an excellent work on the Algre of Denmark.
L yngbya ; filaments short, tufted, straight or gently curved,
simple, or having a few slender, proliferous, subulate, root-like
ramuli, articulated; articulations shorter than their diameter, the
endochrome at length contracting into' a small central sporidinm.
L yngbya ? flacca, H a n . in Phyc. Brit, list, vol. i. p. xv. Harv. Man. ed. 2.
p. 227.
lIoiiMiniuM flaccum, Kiitz. Bhyo. Gen. p. 244.
H obmotmchum flaccum, Kütz. Sp. Alg. p. 381.
Conferva flacca, Hillw. t. 49. E. Bot. t. 1943. H a n . in Hooh. Br. El.
vol. ii. p. 354. Harv. Man. ed. i. p. 131.
U ab. Parasitical on various small Algae in tide-pools ; on the Fuci, and
growing also on floating timber. Annual. Summer. Not uncommon.
Geogr. D istk. Atlantic shores of Europe.
D e scr. Eilaments from half an inch to an inch and a half in length, forming
wide patches on floating timber, or covering various algæ with a silken
beard, fixed at base, freely floating in the water; straight or gently
curved, either quite simple or throwing out, here and there, a few slender,
subulate, root-like processes, which seem to be a viviparous growth of the
sporidium contained vrithin the tube. Articulations rather well defined,
shorter than then- diameter, with a wide border ; the endochrome at first
fiUing the cell, but soon contracted, and then forming a smaU lenticular
sporidium in the centre of the transparent articulation. Colour a beautiful
grass-green. Substance lubricous and soft, closely adhering to paper in
In the last edition of the Manual I have divided the genus
Lynghya into two sections, to the latter of which thelspecies
now described belongs, as well as L. Carmichaelii and L. speciosa,
which have already been figured in this work. A better
course would probably have been to have adopted Kiitzing’s
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