* Branches set with shm-t i
240. e q u is e tifo lia ; stems robust ; branches whorled throughout with closely imbricated,
incurved, many times forked ramelli. (T ab . LXVII.)
241. s im p lic ifilum i stems slender, irregularly branched, whorled with imbricated,
straight, once-forked ramelli. (T ab . CCLXXXVII.)
242. b a r b a t a ; dichotomous, slender ; upper articulations emitting opposite or
whorled, byssoid, dichotomous, short ramelli, to which the tetraspores are
attached; favellio stalked. (T ab, CCLXXXI.)
* * Stems dichotomous, naked.
243. D e v o u ie n s i s ; very slender, flaccid, dichotomous, the lower axils wide, the
upper very acute; articulations cylindrical, 7-8 times as long as broad;
involucres of tetraspores whorled round the dissepiments of the branches.
(T ab . XVI.)
244. c o r a l lm a ; dichotomous, gelatinous ; articulations pear-shaped, the ultimate
ellipsoid; involucres sessile, those with tetraspores whorled round the
branch, with favellæ lateral. (T ab. CCXIV.)
245. s e c u n d if lo r a ; filaments ultra-setaceous, in-egularly dichotomous; axils
acute ; branches fastigiate, obtuse, not tapering ; articulations cylindrical,
2 -4 times as long as broad, with a very wide border. (T ab . CLXXXV.)
246. s e ta c e a ; filaments setaceous, straight, rigid, di-trichotomous; axils veiy
acute ; branches gradually attenuated to a point ; articulations cylindrical,
5-6 times as long as broad ; involucres, of both kinds, pedunculate, lateral.
247. m u ltif id a ; stems setaceous, jointed, pinnate Or bipiunate ; ramuli opposite
or whorled, pinnato-multifid. (Tab. XXVII.)
(T ab . XXI.)
248. Grifiitbsiana.
249. Plumula; stems dichotomous, articulated ; each articulation bearing a pair
of short, recurved plumules, pectinated on their upper margin. (Tab.
250. crueiatum; densely tufted, subdichotomous, articulate ; branches furnished
at each joint with two or four, opposite or quaternate, short, pinnated ramuli
; tetraspores elliptical, at the base of the ramuli. (T ab . CLXIV.)
251. floocosnm; capillary, very flaccid, remotely branched ; branches alternate,
articulated, every joint bearing a pair of minute, opposite, spine-like ramuli;
tetraspores elliptical, pedicellate. (T ab, LXXXI.)
252. T u rn e ri; filaments rising from creeping fibres, simple or compound, once
or twice pinnated with opposite, spreading ramuli ; articulations of the
main filaments 5-10 times as long as broad; tetraspores clustered, racemose
or coiymbose ; favellæ involucred, stalked. (T ab . CLXXIX.)
253. barbatum; irregularly branched; branches alternate, subsimple, naked, or
pinaulated with minute, opposite, spine-like ramuli ; articulations twice as.
long as broad. (T ab . CLXV.)
2 5 4 Pluma; minute, rising from creeping filaments; stems erect, simple or
branching; branches naked below, pinnated above ; pinnæ erect, opposite,
close- tetraspores globose, on short processes of the pinnules. (T ab.
* * Stems shruhby, robust, more or less opake. Bamuli alternate.
255 arbuscula; stems shrubby, opake, naked below, robust, much branched;
branches densely set on all sides with minute imbricated plumules ; ultimate
pinnules simple or forked, recurved, their articulations twice as long as
broad; tetraspores globose, lining the inner face of the pinnules. (T ab .
256. Brodiæi; stem subopake, veiny, obscm-ely jointed, slender; branches
' lateral, patent, closely set with quadrifarious secondary branches ; plumules
simply pinnate, the pinnæ sometimes ramulose at the tip ; tetraspores oval,
sessile near the tips of the pinnules ; favellæ büobed, on the secondary
branches. (T ab . CXXIX.)
257 tetragonum; outline of the frond ovate; stem thick, setaceous, opake,
veiny, set with quadrifarious, lateral branches ; penultimate branches articulate,
set with short, alternate, level-topped plumules ; pinnules incurved,
constricted at the base, suddenly acuminate, their articulations once and
half as long as broad; tetraspores very minute, oval, subterminal. (T ab .
258 brachiatum; character of C. fefo-ai/uw«, except that the lowermost plu-
' mules are reduced to subulate ramuli ; and the pinnules are not constricted
at base, and taper gradually (not suddenly) at the apex. (Tab. CXXXVII.)
259 tetricum; rigid, shrubby; stem and branches robust, shaggy below, plu-
' muíate above ; plumules crowded, simply pinnate ; pinnæ acute, tapering
at the base, erecto-patent ; articulations twice or thrice as long as broad ;
tetraspores elliptical, minute, sessile on short lateral processes of the pinnæ.
260. Hookeri; stem setaceous, nearly opake, pinnatedly much branched;
branches decompound, spreading, flexuous, densely plumulate ; plumules
naked below, pinnate or sub-bipinnate above, the pinnæ horizontal or divaricating,
ramulose at the tips; articulations 2-3 times as ^long as broad ;
tetraspores numerous, sessile on the pinnules. (T ab . CCLXXIX.)
* * * Main stems slender, evidenthj jointed; branches decompound-pinnate.
Ramuli alternate.
261. roseum; much and loosely branched ; secondary branches long, flexuous,
distichously plumulate; plumules lax. simply pinnate; pinnæ long, spreading,
curved; articulations 4-5 times as long as broad; tetraspores elliptical,
secund, four or five on each pinna. (T ab . CCXXX.)
262. byssoidenm; exceedingly slender, and flaccid, decompound; plumules
long, flexuous, pinnate or sub-bipinnate; articulations of the branches
eight, of the ramiiU four times as long as broad ; tetraspores one or two,
sessile near the base of the pinnules. (T ab . CCLXII.)
263 polyspermum ; tufts globose ; filaments slender, much branched, secondary
branches distichously plumulate ; plumules long and narrow, simply pinnate;
pinnæ short, simple, spine-like, patent ; articulations 4-5 times as lo i^ as
broad; tetraspores globose, lining the inner face of the pinnæ. ( I a b .
264. purpurascens, Sm. E. Bot. t. 2465. {Unknown to me)