P l a t e CCCLVIII. A.
(For description see P l a t e CCCI.)
I have nothing to add to the account already given of this
plant under the above-quoted figure, but merely redeem my
pledge by figuring one of Mrs. Gatty’s Piley specimens, to contrast
with the figure of the Orkney plant already given. The
Piley specimen is taller, narrower in proportion, with better developed
pinnæ, and is in fruit. Though narrow, in comparison to
the Orkney variety, it is greatly broader than any form of C. clavellosa
with which I am acquainted ; but I have been assured
by Dr. Walker Arnott that a drawing exists in the late Mr. Bro-
die’s Herbarium, which Dr. Arnott considers identical with my
C. rosea. I possess specimens of C. clavellosa, var. sedifolia,
of Mr. Brodie’s gathering, but they are very unlike the plant here
A . Fig. 1. C hrysymenia rosea ;— the natural size. 2. A ramulus with tetra-
3. Tetraspores:—highly.