A . B .
P l a t e CCCL. A.
Gen . C h a r . Fronds aggregated, tubular, continuous, capillary, coloured by
an internal, green, pulverulent mass. Fructification, dark green, homogeneous
sporangia [coniocystas), attached to the frond.— Grev.—
V a u c h e r i a (DC.),—in honour of M. Vaucher, a distinguished Swiss
writer upon fresh-water i
V a u c h e r i a m a rin a ; filaments loosely tufted, or distinct; branches few,
very long, obtuse; sporangia solitary, obovate, pedicellate, lateral.
Vaucheria marina, lyngb. Eyd. Dan., p. 79. t. 22. Hook. Br. M. vol. ii.
p. 319. Harv. Man. ed. 1. p. 14. ed. 2. p. 195. Wyatt, Alg. Danm. no. 168(?).
H a b . On sea-plants, mud, &o., between tide-marks. Annual. Summer.
At Appin, on Furcellaria fa stig ia ta , Capt. Carmichael. On mud at
Torbay and Salcombe, Mrs. Griffiths and Mrs. Wyatt.
Geogb. D is t r . F srroe Islands, Lyngb.
D e sc r. Fronds forming more or less dense erect tufts one or two inches, in
height, very slender and flaccid, irregularly branched, somewhat dichotomous
; branches few, erect, their granular contents sometimes interrupted at
long interspaces. Sporangia few, scattered, broadly obovate or pear-shaped,
very obtuse, tapering to the base into a short stalk. Colour a bright grass-
green, becoming rather brownish, but retaining a gloss in drying.
Not being able to prepare a satisfactory figure of this plant
from dried specimens, and not having access to recent ones, I
have copied, from the work of Lyngbye, a portion of his figure
representing the magnified appearance of a branch in fruit. I
regret that I was not earlier aware that a figure of his V. marina
existed among the manuscript papers of the late Capt. Carmichael
; a fact communicated to me since the plate was engraved
and printed. Had I known it in time I should naturally have
preferred publishing his drawing made from British specimens, to
copying the published plate of a foreign author.
rf. Fig. 1. Tuft of Vaucheria m.a r in a ;—the natural size. 2. A portion of a
filament in f ru it;—magnified; copied from Lyngbye.
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