view of Gwalior is given, taken on that fide where the Eng.
lifh troops efcaladed, which was .near the center of the length
of the mountain.
It would be the height of ingratitude'notf to make adknowledgements,
in this place,1 to - Meffrs. Ahderfonsy who
were then in Scindiais caihp,y fofming the* treaty; o'ffjieacoand
alliance between, the Englifh Company and Madajee Scindia,
and which was afterwards,fo ably concluded by thofe gentlemen,
for the uncommon attentions I there received. Mr.
Andetfon had fent an efcort of Mahratta horfe Dohlpoor
for my protection, which wass abfolutel^meceflary, j froip. the?
then ftate o f the :country. ;
F rom the fatigue I had undergone, from the violent heats
and expofiire to the fun, in making my,thawings, I.found
myfelf 'aboht this time,, as indeed I had beeh fcJrifome .time
back, in a very indifferent ftate of health; nor was I able to
flir.abroad'for many days after my arrival at Gwalior: in
fhort, when I was, I was-prevented from vifiting the camp of
the Mahrattas, fince the peace not being fully adj,lifted1,' many
fufpicions might Have arifen to retard whatOwas. how1 jpiar-
dently defired, thefe people not having the remote# idea of
any perfon vifiting countries for fcientific information,, in-any.
line whatfoever. After remaining ten days, I therefore d e -'
termined to purfue my journey, with all expedition, to Luck