is' annexed, w;hich was executed from die drawing made upon
the fpot-
I t is -certainly curious to oblerve moftipfj the ornamental!
parts of Grecian architecture appearingrin a building erejCted'
©n the plains of-Hindoftan.- I was indeed1 much ftruck with
this circumltance, aqdled to refleCtufon it fojfreq.uently, that'
I was’at length tempted 'to commit to paper a few'thoughts' on
thefe different hylesTof iardhite(9x^s| which, in thejfbrmipf ai
pamphlet upon the fubjeCt, was' accompanied-fcj&rtwo large
plates engraved from pictures, entitled^;
leading to the Tambwf Atbar at Secundii, and the Maufoleum
af,the Emperor Shete Shah at Safferam. As the eflay aecout*-
panyihg 'thefe plates was printed on a fcale equal fo'fne plates,1
and as I have finee found that it could not on .that ,account bb
read with any convenience, I -determined to'introduce'the
fubftance. of it in this place, las being immediately connected
with the fubjeCt which is now before us, and I conceive perfectly
calculated for a work profeffedly deilieatpd, * in: feme
meafure, to the hiltory and progrefs of the arts in India.-
As I am neither diffidently qualified, -not willing;to lofe
myfelf 'in the unfathomable, an'd perhaps impenetrable dark-
nefs of Eaftern antiqi#ies, I ffiall- npt,- for. the.grefents -fay
any thing on the-eharadteriftic difference of the original Hindoo,
and the more modern ftyle of Moorilh Architecture, in
which all' the great monuments are conftruCted; but I lhali