Company’s fervice for a few, he fumifhed them with firelocks,
and they became regularly drill’d. Viun of their newly
acquired knowledge, thefe new foldiers Toon imparted the en-
thufiafm to the reft of the nation, who eameftly petitioned
for the, fame diftindtiom Thus, at their own requeft, a battalion
was formed for the prefervation of good order, and in
lefs than two years, he had a fine corps, of thefe people embodied,
for the exprefs purpofc of preferring from injury the
very Cotmtry that had for centuries before.been the feene of
their depredations. A camp was formed for a corps of a
thoufand men, three miles from Bauglepoor, where their families
refided with them, and where ftridt military difcipline
was obferved. Thus the ingenuity, addrefs; and humanity
of one man effected, in the fpace of little more than two
years, more than could even have been hoped for from the
utmoft exertions of military feverity.
A f t e r leaving the village of Barkope, which is nearly in
the center of the Jungleterry, and travelling through the flat
country, eroding a fmall river, we entered the hills, which
are covered with wood, and from the fummits of feveral had
beautiful and extenfive profpe&s, moftly diverfified by the
meandering of the Gm gm , and by the varied face of the country,
to a great extent, from theeaftem Ihore.
T hough the fpace which we travelled in this route was
not great, the ferpentine road, the clofenefs of the woods, and,
hti many Spkcesy the extréme fteepnefs o f the-hills, occafioned
eonfiderable farigtfe. ©WtbeTee@nd^&|*4f our<jou^xey.,'we
arrived at the village on-the hill where ’the ceremony <jwas to
»alee placé :• here :Mr. êüévèland waslrècêiyeâ with efè^y mark
of refpeét and affeóbion by the chief® ^ha /aheaejy affem-
bled, and even the ;■women and -the- children contended who
fllould be' the moft forward in? fe^prefling .their regard.
T hey had buik à firiall open.hut in the. village^purpofelyl
garriais reception, and,the foliowirsgl morriing every perfofi in
the neighbourhood was colledled. to be préfent at the annual
facrifke. 4 ■
T ue ceremony took place ;aboutf nine ©’eloekv 'Before .à
fmall hut, and about fix feet from the ground, jsyasjraifed a
kind of altar made of bamboos«-. The grand facrifice was,pre-
ceded bÿ the éeeofetion of a kid and a cock, the-heads of which
were thrown upon the altar, and there remained : Iitde attention
however was palid to this part of the, ceremony by any .of
thé;party prefent. An hour or more afterwards, we>were^ap—
prifed that'the principal'rite Was about to be performed, and
we repaired in? cônfequence, without febfs ;of time,- tó the place
• of rendezvófis. "
T he people had p urchafeda:fine' large:buffaloe, which
they had fattened, and were now dragging with .ropes, by
the horns , towards the fpot where the kid and the cock, had