I N D I A . *3
. C H A P . II.
Voyage to Bengal—\Defcription o f t he Fort and: Town, of Calcutta—*
Route frojn Calcutta to the Plains of Plajfey—De-
fcription < f,that memor,dbkifpot— The ^UthpffPro'gffs
through the Country-Ruins o f a Zananah—CaturaSl \o f
Moatejerha—Happinefspf India—Defcrip tion ofBauglepoor
— Town and:Fort, of Moyigheir—Remarks ony the \Modesof
trdvelling in India—Voyage -bach to Calcutta on IJoeGariges—
Temples—Females bathing— Singular Appearance by Night?
A f t e r refiding a year at Madras, as.'no profpedT presented
itfelf of feeing and making drawings in the interior
part of the country, I ‘determined tp purfue ifty yp^gei?to-
Bengal: and as I found my health on the decline, I entertained
thought of returning to Europe bjr the following feafon.
X embarked in February, 178-1^ and arrive^ in .the Ganges in
March. A ehapge of air and a fea voyage, frequently produce
a happy .alteration in the conflitutions, of valetudinarians
in India • and I Accordingly found that on my arrival in Bengal
my health was perfectly re-eftablilhed.
T he appearance of the| country on the entrance of thp
Ganges, or Houghly Rivpr (this being only a branch of the
Great Ganges) is rather unpromifing j a few bulhes at the