no traces are now left. It is feated at prefent on the banks
of the Gogra: but, in all probability, many years back, was
at a confiderable diftance from- it, it being in a line with F yzabad
j for, not many years lince, upon the building, of the
palace, Sujah ul Dowlah is faid to have daily offered Up prayers
that the river might flow nearer it, which it now completely
does, wa’fhing the walls of the principal front*. At this place
and Fyzabad I remained a few days to complete my drawings,
and returned to Lucknow by the fame came.
The country I had paffed through from Allahabad fo Lucknow,
and thence to Fyzabad, has the fame general character,
and there are very few elevations to be feen in it that are
confiderable. It is in a moderate Rate of cultivation j in
fome parts better than others j but where it is negledted,' it is
evidently more from the want of property in the people;
than the natural fterility of die country,, which, on the contrary,
I believe to be capable of producing the fined.crops.
The villages j of which there are many, fome are comfortable
in their appearance, and others apparently diftrefled. After
leaving the flourifhing diftridt of Benares, I could not help,
viewing with a melancholy concern the miferable appearance
o f all the territories which were under the abfolute direction
of Mufifulman tyrants.
* Oud is confidered as a place of lan£tity, and the Hindoos confequently
perform pilgrimages thither, continually, from all quarters of India.
C HA P . ^ V I L -
Jourhiy fo Etdp-1 -D tfc r ipm y that ~lHak'^ep$titnagur
s p r it s 'u‘nMriKodli^hcMk^Wdvfv&hi 'opjtob'ar— ^aj^
b/Lahael— Vdtiy^or'pfcn— Eortrifs' vf^MBor^&etVrn W
O n 'the 'fBt^foF'FebrUary 1' 0 ouf^on'iny journey' io-joliv
Major Bro^m' at Etaya. ; As"I’ traycHed’by a .fffl|of pallan-
keen bearers to fhe number o f fifteen, and which had no re-
ti^bbjofi.drthefr own fef, my ffages h&Wrhe^fBSrt1 j *!jlaMeu-
larly fo; '^ '1 was hoW-encumbered with baggage,'. carrying
with me a teht, and all the articles' f6r-‘«b'okifig,r:&c. the number
of fervants neceflatyfor dreffing^pTOtd'fions,. &c. makes
the traiii even of an individual confiderable; the 13th I
arfived at the encampment ’of^Major Brown’, hisi teShf being-
pitched 'Cldfe’fd the‘to#n of •'EtaystV5' The road tb this place
puns weftward from Lucknow, and the'-iGadges' is eroded
nearly midway, and at this feafon. 6 f the year is la many
places fordable; there is a fprdable’ftream alfo to the weft-
Ward of the Ganges, ■ called’Gallinuddie’, whicb/hoWever,- in
the time of the periodical rains is a< cotifiderable river. The
IJ 2