of two thoufand matchlock men, and one hundred and fifty
horfe, and had taken poft at a fmall fort called Seker, on the
oppofjte fide of the river to Chunar. This man Lieutenant
Polhil received orders to attack on the following morning,
which order he executed with fuccefs : • he drove the enemy,
and took poSïèffion of the fort, and fecured a considerable
quantity of grain.. This was a valuable acquisition to the
party, for it was now found, from the temper of the people
and the complexion of the times, that fcarcely as much grain
could be procured as would ferve the daily confumption of
the garrifon. The Rajah’s force at this time was faid to be
ten thoufand Strong, and his ofienfible force was daily increasing.
M ajor Popham’s camp lay at twamiles distance from the
fortj and on the third of September he detached a party, under
the command of Captain Blair, with an intention to break
up a camp of the enemy which was formed under the walls
of Pateeta, and which was carried into execution with great
gallantry, though with considerable lofs. Pateeta is a large
town, furrounded by a rampart, and defended by a fort.
T he news of the infurreétion had fpread to a considerable
distance, and a force was detached from Cawnpoor, and from
Lucknow, to the aSIiStance of the Governor General, under
Majors. Crab and Roberts, the firSl of which reached Chunar
on the ioth of September, and the latter gentleman on the
13th. Effective meafures were then taken to put a final period
to the war, by. attacking vigorously .both ,the fort of Pateeta
and that of Lutteefpoor, and both attacks happily Succeeded
on the fame day, the Rajah flying from Lutteefpoor to take
fandtuary in his Strong hold of Ridj.egur. I Should have remarked,
that Pateeta lies about four miles north of .Chunar,
and Lutteefpoor ten miles beyond, in the fame direction:
Bidjegur is fifty miles from Chunar. '
T he cruel and fanguinary difpofition of Gheyt Sing was
manifefted, during his residence in Lutteefpoor,'by.an udtioh
of. peculiar atrocity. Some wounded men- who were taken
prifoijygii in the eatppthat jvas k ft a^Mirzapoor, on the retreat
of the troops after the unhappy affair o f Captain Mayi
affer, had been conveyed to Lutteefpoor, -where they were
detained as prifoners. Upon hearing of the fuccefs of Captain
Blair’s party, the Rajah ordered the unhappy men tQ be
bound and carried into the woods, and to be' there maSTacred
in cold blood. One poor creature only - efcaped in a;very
mangled condition into Chunar.
T he fort of Chunar is'fituated onJrhe^Ganges;, near twenty
miles-above the city of Benares : it is built on a rock, which
is fortified all round by- a wall, and towers at various' distances
. At that end overlooking the river is Situated the citadel;
which has formerly been Strong. This fort is faid to be of
the higheSt antiquity, and originally .built by,the Hindoos.