126 T R A V E L S I N
low, and the body -of Taje Mahel lies in a farcophagus of
white marble, tinder the center of the building. Clofeto it
is a fimilar one, containing'die body of her hulband Shah Je-
han. Thefe farcophagi are perfectly fimilar to thofe in- the
tomb of Acbar,
■ T he garden and the furrounding buildings -cannot occupy
a fpace more than equal to one half of that of the Emperor
Acbar, at Secundrii. Tavernier mentions, that he was wit-
nefs to the beginning and the finilhing of this building, which
employed upwards of twenty thoufand men cenftantly at work
for a term of twen^-tw© years.: The free-ftone'was obtained
in the neighbourhood,' but the marble was brought from Kandahar,
the e&fternprovincejof Perfia, by:iand damage, a dif-
tance of not lefs than fix hundred miles by the road. The
'expence is'faid'to have amounted To'little lefs“ than'one million
O n die third of March the Nabob’s-camp.moved cMIfeitb
Secundrii, where we remained until the fifteenth, when we
removed to Gougaut, feven cofs from Agra. Here the Water
was very bad, being ftrongly impregnated with nitre,
and the furface of the ground was covered with that fajtv
On the twenty-fecond we encamped near the fmall village of
Krowley, five cofs to the weftward of Gougaut,- on a very
extenfive plain, which was poorly decorated with a. few fcat-
tered trees, and bounded by fome low bills ftretdhang to the