whole bounded by wood.; , This place OAyesrits,principal beauty
to thejgopd tafte:of Mr.- Cleveland.' .»
Ergjvc Bauglepoor.to-MbngheirJ is-between thirty and- forty
Engliftr miles.' The roads are good*Hthe country highly cül-
tiyated, and the>• villages, neat.'. Along the fide of, the road
are the burial; places of" the Muffülmans; .'for.thèy, like the
ancient Greeks, -always bury.by or near the highways: thófe
©f the- co^rrhcai' people; ate mounds of earth ;. covering ■ .'the
whole' length, of.ithe*.b'ody,r with a fmall fquare column.- at
the hedd, about .three.feet high, and another/ not moré than
eighteen inches,- at the feet :' tHofe of fuperiör rank have mau-
lbleums/ decorated-in proportion to the wealth or.munificence
of the & n fly .^ I t is a ciiftom.with the women of the family
to‘ attend thefe tprribs - o f their friends, or neareft and njoft
valued -relations, after fiimfet j and it is both, affeéting and
curious to-fee. them proceeding-in groups ^carrying lamps, in
tfieir; hands, which they place at the head o f -thé tomb : the
efledf Confidered in a pidturefijue light, is highly" beautiful;
with that of fentiment, it is delightful. A print o f this fab-
-jedtis fubjoined. :
u. M qngheir is- a large Indian town, with an: old'fbrt. One
fi^e- o f the fort is flanked by. the Ganges, and that to the
land; by- a -wide and deep ditch. . There are three, principal
gates • .one on the fide next the river, another on the eafl:
fide, and another on the fouth. That to the eafl: appears to