. Havé héén, very>j ftrong the j i'syalls» -a^e” flanked with fquare
, towers,, in the olcF ftilé of 'Gaftle§if' «hanyi fimilar .ruins being
. now ito “Be found 'in England.’ z'Bhe.fort.yfeas huilt' in the
middle;'of the laft'icerttury? by Sultan SiijaHV;hut the, place
•istfamo.us; for 'being a^milifaiy) ftation many .centuries' back i*.
The njtea'within thé wahs of the forbis 7very, confidejajde r it
is generally made a, ftation for a 'part !of the.. English troops j
and there is* a honfe; her’gjfor the.coinmahdi!lg,r-j©®o&-,'{(built
by0 the late General .Goddard.
' -From.Calcutta-to Mongheir- the; 'face öf-theicohhtiy.is! extremely
varied,- Bengal^however},. to ithe entrance unto the
province df Bahar, .is almoft a perfecft flat, or. the rife isbfcr-"
■ gentle as > not», to. be perceived. > The foilus rich, eonfifting
ehieflyo’f a black’earth, 'intermixed ;with - fine fend.' -Erom.
Rajemahel it affutties, a different' character; hills are feen
rifing in many parts into mountains; and.ebveredr;,with-..im-
menfe ifofefts of timber: the foil hereds alfo -.more *^fidi, and,
the air drier, than in the lower parts of Bengal, The heat
in- the months of - March, April; and May, is immoderate ;
and; until’ it- becomes tempered by the rains, that-.co,n,ftkntly
fill fti June ferd ijuly,fit.is dreadful, to the bearers* of the
palankeens-to travel in thb,middle ö^thè^day: the.'diift and
heat are then, indeed, fa intolerable, ,'thabtïiey are’frequently
* On thisffpó't was found, a few years back, a brafs plate; -WitJr a Sanfchrite
infcription of a grant, as early as the firfl century 'of Chfiftianïty.