the poof, and many of them at the expence of their own private
fortunes. I fliould not have touched upon this fubjedt,
but from a motive .of ftridt juftice, as few perfons have had
an opportunity of infpedting the proofs and records which
Mr. Cleveland indulged me with a fight of.
C HA P . VI.
%he Author returns to Q a lcp tta - Seized with a dangerous
lllnefs^—rRecopery— Proceeds ,ont-a new Hour*— Route from
, Qalcuftp. to, A-blukabad ^ Defer i f Hon | f the. Port and Town
— Cawnpoor— Lucknow, Defcription o f that City— Palace
o f the Nabob— Journey to Fyzabad and Oud-— Defcription
o f the 'C ity o f - Fyzabad— Palace o f Sujah ul Dowlahp& f f
City o f Oud, & c.
j^LFTER remaining abbut four months at Bauglepoor, having
completed my bufinefs, I proceeded for Calcutta,-'where
I arrived cm the 15th of May, 1783, and immediately after
proceeded ih thole'-works I had undertaken. The extreme
heat at this feafon, added to an affiduous application to my
profeffion, threw me into a violent fever; and, after my reco-
Very from the difeafe, I continued very weak for a long time.
In this Rate of debility I had it. frequently in contemplation
to proceed to Europe j but the cool weather returning
towards the.end of November, my fixength and* vigour gradually
returned with it. I felt all my curiofity revived; and
once more refolved to indulge my inclination to vifit other
parts of India. With this- view, I explained to the Governor
General my wiihes to vifit Agra, &c. &c. and I had the