ndhes, with a door.on one nnd WÊj&È/k
onihe. top ::.hy the fjde^the door iffoad far man with aHaghU
ed brand.' rFrqrn thé time thewoihad appeared to fhfc^kking
up of the body, to convey i t anta tHeqsife, might occupy St
fp.co:#f; W f a»;h6iarr ‘ which was! employed-in. prayer with;
thy -Rpiriim., • in; attentions to thofe who-.ftood near her*’ and
qqnverfation with her, felations. * When thfe.'hody m ks .taken:
Up fhe followed clofe SB it,.' attended by the chief Bramin j
^jd when it wardepofited in the paleyfhehowiéd to all around'
her, ind entered withoutdpeakirigr - The .moment die eatery
ed, the door was eloipdj* the fire was. put to -the ■ cóxnbuftiblds ,•.
which inftantly. flamed,' and immenfe quantities: of dried wood
and other matters were thrown upon it. 'This lalt part of .die
eeremoriy was acfcompanied with tKe lhouts of the nimltitude»
who nbw;becamé.riuméroès, and the whole feemed a mafs of
eonfufed rejoicing. ;l For 'my part I felt myfelf actuated by
vfeiy different fentiments.; the event vdbdt I had been wftnefs to
'Was fuch, that the minuteft ifctFCÜmftanqe. attending.' it. could
not. be erafed. from‘my; memory; .'.and rwhéin? the' mè&nchöly
which haH overwhelmed me was'1 fomewhat abated^ I made a
drawing of thefubjed:, and from a pidure.fince painted the
annexed plate was engraved. 2: 1
1 1 Ijj other .parts. o f dndxa/Iasthe <?ahratre,:*Ris: dreadful cuf.
tom is. accompanied in the execution ;of it with, ftiil greater
horror. It is adcrted, that they dig. a pit, in which is deposited.
a large quantity of combuftiblc matter, which is fit oxi