I N D I A. 85
in a ruinous ftate.' Two miles1 from the fort of Lutteefpoor is a
high- and difficult .rcjoky pafs, at the iopj of which the country
continues level and flat,;until>'oearly within three or. four miles of
Bidjegur, when it finks-,-and there appears; a,natural fpffe furrounding
the e-xtremity pf the mountams, and the view is' terminated,
in a- low,. fwampy * cbuhjay j^which, in the time of
the rains,-isf;overflowed. ; Between-Lutteefpoor arid Bidjegur
are; considerable^ woods,- intermixed' wjth cultivated ground,
and a few villages, Bidjeguf-is fiftj^miles from Benares, and
the forfcis feated'on the top of a, higk%iountam, covered from
its bale'to its fummit with .wood1. This is thqlaft of a long
range of mountains, which, at this place/ rudely decline to
the plain. ^ Here I enjoyed $n opportunity,/g/hich falls;to the
lot.pf-but few profeffiojnal men in my line’j I iriean that of
obferving the military operation's h f a fiege., The camp was
formed nearly-four miles' fromhthe' fort:, there was, fhowever,
a rock about the height o f the top of ithe^mountainsf hid
within gun fhot, commanding -one face* of the fort,'which
was, fquare; From this flation the walls were battered ahd,
after a practicable breach was''made,''the garrifon thought fit
to. furrender. In the garrifon kteiie* found the mother and
other' female^ relatives of Cheyt- Sing, to whopr every delicate
attention was paid. A view?of Bidjegm-, taken on the fpot,
is) fubjoined. n
Soon after Bidjegur was taken,preparations were made
for. the departure of- the- party -' attending rthe-Governor 'Gene!-