I N D I A . 59
C H A ’P; IV.
Hefeription of Benares-r-* TLlegantiFhfddde-*— Hindoo c£empUs—~
Hiffeftntim an the Hindoo, MooriJh,xandGothic Archttediure.'
T h e city of Benares being the capital of a large diftritS:-*
and particularly marked'as ;thsd feat-of.the Bramin learning, it
Cannot- but be considered as an‘ object o f particular curidfity;
more efpecially, fince the fame manners and euftmns' prevail
amongft thefe people at this day; as at the remoteft period
that can be traced in hiftoiy: and in no inftances .of religioiis
or civil life have they admitted of any innovations from fo*
reignets. , According to nniverfel. report,.’«this .is one'of the
moft ancient Hindoo cities; and if the accounts' o f their own
antiquity may be depended upon, it is, perhaps, the oldbft in
the world. Major Rennell,-however, entertains a'different
opinion on this fubj.e^t,j from its' not being mentioned by the
Syrian Embafladora foon after the time df' Alexander, and
from its being unnoticed by Pliny ;|and I have' t'o'o1 great a
deference for fuch an authority, to be-at airin'clined to difpute
it , whatever may he the.' claims to antiquity- which - are .'preferred
in favour of this city.' ;;
It certainly is curious, and highly entertaining to* an |n-
quifitive mind, to affociate with a people whdfe manners are