and revifion o f my manufcript, contributed greatly*
to leflen my apprehenlions o f that ordeal to which
I was about to commit myfelf ; and though he infills
upon my Hating, that his corrections were al-
moft entirely verbal, yet I cannot but be confcious,
that,-without them, the work would have appeared
in a ftill more imperfect Hate.
A fter all, I am aware that I ftand in need o f
every candid allowance on the part o f my readers.
It is evident that the ftudies abfoiutely reqfiifite to
any degree o f proficiency in a liberal art, and the
practice o f that art afterwards as a profeffion, can
leave but little leifure for the cultivation o f literature
; and perhaps my engagements have been even
more unfavourable to this objeCt than thofe o f moft
aitifts. A long circumnavigation, and the profef-
fional labour required in completing the works for
Captain Cook’s fécond voyage, occupied me for
feveral years ; and a voyage to India, with my
different * excur lions in that ■ country, engaged no
ihconfiderable portion o f my time and attention.
On another part of* this* work 11can. fpèak' with
rather more confidence,, becaufe I am lefs’-jberfon-
ally concerned ; and beeadle^ '_as* fkr* asf l am concerned,
.1 appear in my proper profeflional- charae-
ter. The drawings from which the plates 'for this
work are engraved, I have already mentioned, were*
made upon the fp o t: and to, the utmoft o f! my abi- ,
lity, are fair and accurate’ reprefentaiion^ o f the-originals.
O f thé execution o f the platés, while I
feel that too much cannot be faid, every one mull
lee that, it is unne’ceffary for me to fay ahy thing.
I therefore conclude with Ihortly-iTetUrning my
thanks to the artills for the- care and attention,
they have bellowed upon, them.
Queen Street, May Fair,
Feb. 18« i.7‘93'.