A loIng thé w e te n bank of. the riyér are fee^ the ruinod
palaces of the great Ornrahs, built in the tinie of Acbar, Jehan-
gxiire, and Shah Jehan.' A little, farther, .thé. city o f :Agia
offers itfelf to. the eye* .with thé great. fort and 'palace, and
■the profpeét is terminated to the fouth-weft by tbat.vaft monument
o f eaftem elegance; the Taje Mahel, built by: the
emperor Shall Jehan; f
T his fpot takes dts name fröm^Dara,; a tenti -and Shah,
-.king or fovereign, being, the. fpot where the. emperor’s'tent
Was firft fixed, when he made his progrefs from Agra to the
-eaftem provinces of the empire. It'beihg the general cuftom,
-from the time the dynafty öf the Moguls, was fixed in India
under Acbar, that the emperor Ihould' takejtheifiekf in ;the
fummer months, with a large army- attended b y 'the whole
court, the bankers, and the antifan^,; Thus the camp
became a great city under tents., and each trade had its feveral
quarter allotted to them, the emperor’s tent being in the center
o f the whole, fiirroundedby thofe of the great officers of ftate.
i\ .'On the 24th Major Brown was waited upon-by:Afrafiab
.Khawn, an Omrah of high rank> ^ ab$>5Mii£a
Shuffeh Khawn, who lay encamped three: cofs to the north-
Weft of Agra* and to whofe oamp we-proceeded, crofting the
Jumna, and paffed through a part o f -the city o f Agra, On the
following day we pitched our tents to the eaftward of' the
Nabob’s encampment, in a garden walled round, and which
■ U i