I N D I A . irl
formerly was adorned with: very confiderable-buildings,* now
in ruin?;■ this was a work of Acbar'fdr the a’céQ^mpdatlon of
one of his daughters;
T he camp of Mirza Shuffeh-extended óver a great fpacfr
of ground,; and, more, refembled ajgreat city than,aecam-p i having
Ihops* of every denomination; retaining irfcparfè the character
of theijLrmies of.-the great emperörs^oïily'- wiihaufi their
fplendor. (The camp'was.faicL to* cóhtai'mfórtyttBpUferid: mep?,;
but.it appeared to me that the number-was greatly,, exaggerated'.
.This, however, £hould;be added, that ©very foldier, arid every,
tradefman and artificer, had his1' family With him": In. the park
.of .artillery were-foriy-'two p iecestofi.cannon of varrous calibeis; %
Some of - thgdargeft guns‘were Jheneh pjeebsyiand very;, fine
ones; but the gspater number wefe-very indifferent, ,thb metal
much, Corroded j. ^nd the carriages rotten, ’jfcisr hot improbable
that the tent oftheNabob migh'fhayebeenformerly an impe*
rial one, being of crimfon velvet, embroidered in many parts
with gold, and lined with filk. It \yas, hbwpver, 'much' tom-
and moth-eaten, and had therefore no-veryfplendid appearance.
A f e w -days after o.ur arrival, I attended Major Brown to
the Durbar of the Nabob’ ' where we-'found the principal
commanders, amongft whom were feveral* oldvPerfian-Chiefs,
with beards „depending to, their-girdles, and countenances of
great dignity. One of the hoary,chiefs, I found'by his convention,
had attended Nadir Shahv or Thomas Kouli Khan,