the roek appear filled with • charcoal, and many: fragments
broken off are" cornpofed- equally óf the two,' materials. For
the fatisfaétiori of .others I. brought away with, me two large
pieces, which I; afterwards' fliêwed to feveral ingenious gen-,
tlemen in Calcutta; .The;place itfelf, it is true, is held in
fpperftitioiis veneration bjr the’'common people o f the coun-
try$‘ and it is : poflible fome ’ religious cerernohifes^may have
pafledj here ; - byf it vis. fcarcelÿ.'.probable that any fire ufed in
fuch'ceremonies;could have produced:fucK efifeéts..
À f^ èr' returning'to Sicrh Gully, I "continued my route
aeipfs the ;pâfif* of Telriàguïly- from •the tëp ; 4 f which' * a
beautiful ■ fcene opens itfelfró :the yiew namely,y' the mean-.
deririg-of the'river Ganges through the flat country, and glittering
through an immenfe plain, highly cultivated, as far as
the extent of the horizon, where the eye is almoft at a lofs
to difcriminate thé termination of*lky, and land. From'the
pafs - of Terriagully the - road continues by the river ’ fide;
opèning in extenfive- glades, covered with a fine turf, and
only iritéffperfed -with .woods, confifting of timber trees of
cohfidèrable'magnitude, -which, from.the.grêat heat and moif-
turë.in this part •of India, (like all other-vegetable productions
Of tiré"country) continue verdant through a great part of the
year; •• After this the road ikirts the woods, .and under great
trees, -which, are filled with a variety of birds. of beautiful
colours, ' many.; o f them; o f : the. parrot, tribe ; 'and, amongfl:
others, peacocks, in'abundance, which’ fitting on the vaft