parifon with what we had pafled fince leaving Etaya, ^it may
be fo called) has a eonfiderable number of people, and the
adjacent ground is in cultivation. I found here the remains
of a hunting feat, built by Dara Sheko, and a tank belonging
to i t : from the ruins it mull have been large. Adjoining the
tank is «a fmall, grove of palm and other trees; but, except
thefe, there are no trees in the neighbourhood; nor is there
any water but from a few wells, and the above-mentioned
tank, which was nearly dry when I faw it. There are eonfiderable
remains of other buildings, in and about the town,
l'ome of them apparently on a large fcale.
We continued our route, for fix cofs, to Fyrozabad, which
is a eonfiderable village. Between Shekoabad and Fyrozabad
are a few fpots of cultivated ground. This village takes
its name from the Purgunnah, which is a fmall diftriCt within
a larger s it was- at this time in the hands of a Gofine, or
Hindoo Religious; and as the fpirit of the Hindoo government.
is favourable to agriculture in the highell degree, this
fpot appeared a perfect garden. It mull, indeed, be obferv-
ed, that although the-Hindoo governors or proprietors, from
the principle of avarice, may fometimes dillrefs, they do not
deltroy the endeavours of the .poor, as the Muflulmans. For
his protection ' the Gofine had a camp formed in the neighbourhood,
amounting to two thoufand men, well armed, and
a fmall park of artillery, in which I faw two fine pieces of
battering ‘cannon. The perfons of the men, forming thi*
I N D -I A, i n
little army,, appeared to me remarkable for their, tnanly beauty
and feature, mpft of them being’upwards'of fix fe'C't in height,
and their maimers, whilft I was in their camp' vfere’extre'mely
modeft and attentive.-'On the' following day wfe reached Eta-
madpoor, a diftance oflfixi-Gofs^ but found in oilr; journey
that,-upon leaving the Purgunnah of Firozpbadj the line was
ftrongly marked by the wild Wafee that enfuedl '
A t ’ Etamadpodr is a fmall building in the center, of- a large
tank, the tides ’of which are built with Hone,; - as,is;the center
building, and a bridge of feveral arches, which communicates,
with it From the fide", o f the tank. Around the whole are
large mounds of earth, formed from the excavations in making
the tank. At this tyne there was but little water in-it. .. -
F rom -this place we had a light of the fpires of the once
Iplendid and imperial city of Agra,
O n the Zjd, at the difeance of five cofs from Etamadpoor,
we encampted on the Shah Darah, about a cofs on the eafeem
fide of the river Jumna, oppofite the city. The whple of this
Ipot, as far as the eye can teach, general feene of ruined
buildings, long walls, vafe arches, parts of. domes,' |and feme
Very large buildings, as the Cuttera, built by the great Shah
Heft Khawn, in the reign of Aurungzebe; here are alfe feveral