In the citadel1 there is an altar, confiftingf of a plain black
marble flab, 'on which"the tutelary deity of the place is traditionally
at all times fuppofed to be feated, except from fun-
rife until nine o’clock in the morning, when he is at Benares,
during which time, from the fuperftition. of the Hindoos, attacks
may be made with a proipedt of fuccefs. In various
parts of the fort there are old fculptures of the Hindoo divinities,
now nearly defaced' by time. There are likewife on
the gates fome old Perfian infcriptions, mentioning in whofe
reign, and by whom, the fort was repaired and ftrengthened.
T his has always been confidered as a poft of great confe-
quence upon the Ganges, from its ihfulated fituation, projecting
forwards to a confiderable extent, and being of confi-
derable height. It was befieged by the Englilh in the war
carried on, during the years 1764 and 1765, againfl: the late
Nabob Sujah ul Dowlah when he joined Meer Cofiim, and
Was gallantly defended by its commandant, ah Abyflinian in
the fervice of that prince.
T he firlf attempt of the Englilh againfl: Chunar was un-
fuccefsful; but afterwards, on the fall of Allahabad, the commandant,
finding that the whole country had fubmitted to the
Englilh,' and that his mailer’s affairs were defperate, thought
it needlefs to hold out any longer, and on the 7th of February,
1765, he furrendered the Fort to Major, now General
Stibbert j it was afterwards reftored to the Nabob, when
the peace was fettled with.,that-Prince; and in 177a, it.v^as
-formally ceded by .him to the Epglilh Ealt-India;£ ompany,
in exchange for the Fort of Allahabad. At' thiSrplad^is kept
the magazine of ammunition!' khd1 artillery for the Brigade-at’
D uring my flay at Chunaur, I made, feveral drawings of
riie Fort, and o’tieAqfl Pateetav- As the war was-f; however,
now-concluded, -except; obtaining- :polfeflion ^B id je g^ f l'(tlo'
whichplace Major Popham'proceeded with his whole ferce),
ihe whole party returned with, the. Governor General, through
Ramnagur, to Benares, and arriyed.there thé 28thyof September
j after -which I had fufficient leifure and, opportunity for
my particular and profeflional purluits.