I N D I A . 37
C H A P . III.
Embark in the ’Train of' thé 'Governor General——Boats o f the
Gomtry defcribect—-Remarks- èri 'thofe of the South Sea—
Views on the River-—‘Dutch, French, and Danijh Settle-
ments S i r Eyre Coole*s—CoJJimbuzar— Sir John D*Oyley's
—Patna—Reception <f the Governor there— Mofqtte- of
K Moonhier—Arrive at Buxar—Gazipoor—Curió'us Ruins—
Benares—Arrejl o f the Rajah—Ihfurreftion at B en ares-
Principal Events o f the War—-Flight from Benares, and
' Return thither.
I DID not remain long in the capital of* Bengal* on my return
from Mongheir, before a new opportunity was .prefent*
ed to me of again indulging the curiofity which I felt both
as an artxft and a man, to enlarge my acquaintance with" a
country fo fertile in the beauties of nature.at leaft. It being
determined by the Bengal Government that it.was expedient,!
for the public utility, that the Governor General fhould make
a tour through a part of the country, Mr. Halting®, with that
liberality and attention to the kits which has ever chaiadterized
his 'condudty acceded to my requeft, and permitted me to accompany
him* ;
O n the 25th of June, 1781,1 therefore1, I •embarked in a
budgerow for this expedition. The periodical rains-had now