ruined the whole pirn: »the gairifon .were of courfe alarmed,
and ran in great numbers -’towards the place* but,- ignorant mf
the ftrength of the affailants '(as .the men fired on’ had been
killed outright), they fuffered themfelves to be flopped by the
warm fire;kept up .by-the'.fmall party of grenadiers,’ until1
Major; Popham himfelf, with a confidërable reinforcement, itheir aid. The garri.fQft then retreated to,the inner
buddings, and'difchafgêd a few rockets,. bütfoon afterwards,
retreated precipitately through the gate.; whilft the principal
officers, thus deferted, affembled. together in one houfe, and
hung out, a white'flag-. Major’’Popham fent an hificer^to
give them affurance of quarter and protection *-and thusyj in
the fpace of two hours, this important and aftoniffiing fortrefl
was completely in our pofleffion : We had-only twenty men
pounded, and none killed^ On the fide of the enemy,, Ba.-
pp.gee, the Governor, was killed, and nïöflpf thé principal
officers were wounded. ” • :
It is neceffary to add-to this account, that fome time'after,;
the fort was given .up to the Rana of Gohud, who kept ppfleL
fion nf it until the time of which I am now fpeaking ; the.
peace being agreed on between the Britifh Government and
Scindia, although not finally fettled, that chief found himfelf
at leifure to inveft it once more, and was at this time before
the place with feventy thoufand men : he, however, only effected
its reduction by the treachery of one of the Rana’s .officers,
who admitted a party of the Mahratta troops;' A