Tibetans— continued.
269 ; temporary marriages of
the, i. 100 ; wall built by, at
Ya-tung (ill.), i- 3 7 -
“ Tim ” (dog), i. (ill.), 278, 338.
Ting-pa, i. 345.
Tip arsenal, ii. 10.
Tipa (or Ti) Rinpoche, ii. 271,
3 5 5 - . I
“ Tippoo ■” (Tibetan dog), 1. 387.
Tipta la, i. 45.
Ti-srong-de-tsan, King of Tibet,
i- 2, 3.
Tista (river), i. 36, 57, 82 ; bridge
over, i. 59.
Tista Valley, i. 45.
“ Tola ” (weight), ii. 289.
Td-lung, ii. 167, 169.
To-lung chu, bridge over, ii. 167,
3 *9.
“ To-men” (“ high-low ”= height),
1 3 6 7 - . . To-nang, ii. 96.
Tongsa Penlop, i. 304; ii. 62-
65, 230, 396 ; offers his services
as mediator, ii. 16 ; portrait of,
ii. 63 ; signs treaty, ii. 396.
Tong-shong, i. 118.
Tonmi-Sambhota, i. 2.
I Torma ” (butter ornaments), i.
102, 205.
Totanus calidris (redshank), i.
“ To-wo ” (“ terrible ” ), ii. 36.
“ Traba,” i. 102.
Trama-lung, ii. 106.
“ Trang ” (a cut track in cliff), i.
73, 262.
Treaty signed at Lhasa, 11.
Trebeck (explorer), i. 22; in
3 8 6 -
Tree sparrow (Passer montanus), i.
Truninger, Mr., i. 310.
Tsamba, i. 183 ; ii. 245.
Tsang, province of, i. 107, 235,
236 ; ii. 213, 236, 353.
Tsang-po, 236, 305 ; ii. 24, 56,
104, 106, (ill.) 353; north
. shore of the, ii. 127; pum-ba
on the bank of the (ill.), ii.
128; yak-skin boats on the,
ii. 123.
Tsan-nyid (abbot), i. 33.
Tsanpu, ii. 296.
Tsarong Depen (Tibetan official),
ii. 12, 17.
Tse-chen, 294, 295, 322 ; bridge
at, 218 ; monastery at, ii. 55 ;
storming of, ii. 59 ; temples of,
i. 184 ; view of (ill.), ii. 61.
Tse-chen Monastery, i. 382 ; ii.
5 5 , 5 8 .
Tsecho-ling, ii. 230.
Tse-chung Shape (Tibetanofficial),
ii. 12.
Tse-gang-tse, ii. 126.
Tse-pe-nang, ii. 147.
Tsering (author’s servant), i. 125,
234 ; ii. 81, 229 ; character of,
ii. 81.
Tsomo, Lake, i. 363.
Tsong-du (National Council), i.
32, 33, 3 5 , 356 ; ii. 5 , 12, 270,
396 ; described, ii. 358 ; duties
of the, ii. 359.
Tsong-kapa (“ He of the Onion
Land” ), i. 4, 5, 356 ; h- 244,
265, 310.
Tsybikoff, M., ii. 377.
Tu (fishing village), ii. 104.
Tub-chen-pal-gyi-sing-ge (teacher
of Lamaism), ii. 33.
Tubdan, i. 356.
Tubdan Gyatso, ii. 3, 4, 18,
398- 9 - I . ■
Tu che, 1. 360.
Tufted pochard (Nyroca fuligula),
i. 408.
Tuna, i. 48, 138, (ill.) 184 ; ii. 16 ;
alt of, i. 138 ; camp of Mission
at, i. 135 ; column returns to,
i. 154; life at, i. 48 ; moon-
' light at, (ill.) ii. 384 ; plateau,
i. 51, 141.
Tunyig Chempo (secretary), 11. 64,
Turner, Lieut. Samuel, i. 10, 14,
17, 92, 159, 161, 164 171 ; map
of Phari-Gyantse road (1783)
by, i. 19.
Turtle-dove (Turtur orientalis), i.
4 °9 - . . .
Turtur orientalis (turtle-dove), i.
U, PROVINCE Of, i . 352.; i i . 236.
Ugyen Gyatso (explorer), ii. 92.
Ugyen Kazi (horse dealer and
diplomatist), i. 97; ii. 10;
portrait of, ii. 9.
“ Umzi ” (manager), ii. 127.
Upupa epops (hoopoe), i. 406.
Urga, i. 33 ; ii. 2, 17, 19, 377.
V i c e r o y o f T i b e t , i. 305.
Vihara of Boro-Bodoer, i. 209.
Visvakarma, ii. 310.
Vulpes alopex v. flavescens (fox),
iSgl 3 9 4 - - -
Vulpes ferrilatus (fox), i. 394.
W a d d e l l , Lieut.-Col., i. 232,
292 ; ii. 3 7 , 92, 298, 364.
Wagtails, i. 406.
Wai-wu-pu, ii. 272, 398.
Walker, Lieut., i. 314, 316 ; ii.
Walton, Capt., i. 40, 157, 192,
246, 291, 333, 337, 391; ii.
364; narrow escape of, at
Chang-lo, L. 288; on the
natural history of Southern
Tibet, i, 392.
Ward, Capt., ii. 365.
Wassawa Singh, i. 271-3 ; earns
the Order of Merit, i. 272.
Weasel (Putorius alpinus), i. 394.
“ Wei Tsang t’u chih,” ii. 280.
“ Wheel of life,” i. 210.
White, Mr. Claude, i. 39, 40, 41,
4 3 , 5 2 , 64, 361, 377 i ii- 8, 64,
90, 364; residence of, at
Gangtok, i. 63 ; takes photographs,
ii. 100, 244 ; visits the
temple of the Chief Magician,
ii. 246.
“ White Cairn ” (Chorten-karpo
wall), i. i n .
“ White Expanse ” (India), i. i n .
White-eyed pochard (Nyroca
ferruginea), i. 408.
Wild duck, i. 160 ; ii. 176.
Wild yaks (Bos grunniens), i. 346,
3 9 6 .
Wiliow-warbler (Phyllosçopus
affinis), i. 406.
Wilton, Mr. ii. 15, 64, 272, 364.
Wimberley, Major, ii. 366.
Wo - den - pal - gyi - wang - chuk
(teacher of Lamaism), ii. 34.
Wolves (Canis laniger), i. 394.
Wood, Capt., detailed for surveying
service to Gartok, ii.
Wryneck (lynx torquilla), i. 407.
Y a b s h i H o u s e , ii. 203.
Yak la (“ yak pass,” pr. Ya la),
i. 52 ; road (ill.), i. 87, 97 ;
valley, i. 98.
Yaks, i. 45, 103, 123, 132, 197,
234, (ill.) 400 ; ii. 83, (ill.) 155 ;
anthrax among, i. 46 as
transport, i. 44 ; flesh-licking,
ii. 388 ; in a blizzard, photogravure
facing p. 136, vol. i. ;
ploughing, i. 218, (ill.) 401.
Yak-skin boats, (ill.) ii. 123.
Yam-dok tso (Sacred Lake of
Tibet), i. 7, 261 ; ii. 106, 353,
361 ; first sight of (ill.), ii. 91,
92 ; southern shores of the, (ill.)
ii. 95.
Yarsig, ii. 104.
Yates, Lieut., ii. 365.
Yatung, i. 36, 51, 96, 142 ; expedition
reaches, i. 47 ; wall
at, (ill.) i. 37.
Yavanas (people), ii. 310.
Yellow, or Gelupka sect, i. 4 ;
ii- 3 5 5 -
Yellow Caps, i. 205.
Yi-tai, or Koli-kotsu (King of
Tibet), ii. 383.
“ Yom-bor ” (species of acacia),
ii. 132. ,
Young, Capt., ii. 366.
Younghusband, Col., i. 40, 43,
48, 30, 142, 191, 247, 250, 269,
288, 292, 306 ; ii. 364 ; frontispiece
Vol. II. ; communications
of, ii. 78 ; conducts durbars