O’Connor, Capt.— continued.
Dongtse monastery, i. 233;
visits the buried monks at
Nyen - d6 - kyi - buk, i. 217 ;
wounded at Pala, i. 3x8.
Odoric, or Ordericus, Friar, i. 4 ;
ii. 221.
Ogilvie, Capt., ii. 366.
“ Om mani padme hum ” (prayer),
i. 115, 117, 358 ; ii. 120, 144,
“ Ong kur-wa ” (“ power-sending
” ), ii. 3 5 -
Osmunda, i. 58.
Otocorys elwesi (horned lark), i.
Ottley, Capt., i. 140, 279 ; ii. 158,
365 ; pursues Tibetans, i. 275 ;
remains at Gobshi, i. 282 ;
rescues dak runners, i. 312 ;
the first to see Lhasa, ii. 158-
Ovis ammon (sheep), i. 392.
Ovis hodgsoni (great Tibetan
sheep), i. 392.
Ovis nahura (bharal), i. 392.
Ovis poli (sheep), 1. 392.
P a dm a S am b h a v a (Buddhist
saint, known also as Padma Pani
or the Guru Rinpoche), i. 2 ;
ii. 3 5 1 . S e e a lso A v a l o k i t e s -
w a r a .
Pahamri (mountain range), i. 317 ;
ii- 3 3 3 -
Pala, i. 15, 184, 247, 309,
. (ill.) 315, 318 ; pleasure grounds
at (ill.), i. 319 ; taken by Col.
Brander, i. 314 ; view of (ill.),
i- 323-
Pala family, i. 219, 238, 321.
Pala palace, i. 240.
Palace of Maharaja of Sikkim
(ill.), i. 101.
Palairet, Capt., ii. 365.
Palden Lhamo (pr. “ Panden
Lhamo,” the three-eyed goddess),
i. 193, 357 ; ii- 38. ?>*?>■ ..
Palkhor choide, i. 369, 370; ii.
77 ; great chorten at (ill.),
i. 211; inside the (ill.), i. 209 ;
lamasery of, i. 205; main
entrance, to (ill.), i. 213;
monastery of, i. 193, 206, 246,
294, 369 ; ii. 55, 284 ; the Lha-
kang of the (ill.), i. 214 ; view
of (ill.), 217 ; wall painting in
(ill.), i. 215.
Pallas’s cat (Felis manul), i. 393.
Pallas’s sea-eagle (Haliaetus leu-
coryphus), i. 405.
Palti, Lake of, i. 126.
Pan-dim (peak), i. 64.
“ Pang-che ” (Severtzoff’s warbler),
i, 408.
Pantholops hodgsoni (antelope), i.
3 9 3 -
Para-chude, ii. 3.
Pargo Kaling (western gate of
Lhasa), ii. 169, 182 (ill.), 183,
196, 222 ; photogravure facing
p. 196. vol. ii.
l’aro, i. 92.
Paro Penlop, ii. 17.
Parr, Capt., i. 159, 181 ; ii. 337.
Passer cinnamomeus (cinnamon
sparrow), i. 406.
Passer montanus (tree sparrow), i.
Pathans (40th), ii. 5 7 -
Pemaraga (ruby), ii. 383.
Pénam J ong, ii. 76.
Penchen Rinpoche, ii. 344, 3 5 3 -
Penna, Brother Orazio della, i. 9 ;
ii. 92, 207, 209.
Pe-di J ong. See N a g a r t s e J o n g .
Perdix hodgsonice (Tibetan partridge),
i. 407.
Peterson, Capt., ii. 365.
Peterson, Major, i. 314, 316, 318 ;
ii. 158, 236, 365.
Pevtsov (Russian explorer), 1.
Phag-mo Dor je (abbess of Sam-
ding), i. 126, 244.
Phari (Tib. “ Phag-ri,” or the
“ pig-hill ” ), i. 48, 53,126, 136 ;
alt. of, i. 128-; ii. 334 5 .dirt of>
i. 129 ; houses of, i. 130 ;
inhabitants of, i. 132 (ill-),
133 ; jong-pens of (ill.), i. 134 ;
street scene in (ill.), i. I3 1 >
woman of (ill.), i. 129.
. Phari Jong, i. 126, (ill.) i. 127;
construction and dimensions of,
i. 127 ; on the glacis of Phari
fort, photogravure facing p.
132, vol. i. ; photogravure
facing p. 126, vol. i.
Phari Pass, i. 92.
Phari plain (ill.), i. 125.
Phodang marpo, or “ Red Palace,”
ii. 177, 189, 286.
Phembu-ri, ii. 334.
Phulbari Ghat, i. 56.
Phylloscopus affinis (willow-warbler),
i. 406.
Pica bottanensis (magpie), i. 406.
Pi-dogs, i. 338.
Pikya Monastery, i. 164.
“ Piling ” (Western foreigner), i.
( 135, 213:.
“ Piling Gyal-po Chempo,” ii. 171.
Pintail (Dafila acuta), i. 160, 408.
Pinus excelsa, i. 86.
Pioneers (23rd Sikh), i. 47, 51,
146, 147, 251,-270, 320, 321;
.Ü- 5 7 -
Pioneers (32nd Sikh), ii. 58.
Plain of Milk, i. 262, 276 ; ii.
84-5, 161, 239, 264 ; alt. of i.
265 ; dimensions of, ii. 169.
Pneumonia, prevalence of, in high
altitudes, i. 78.
Pochards, i. 160.
Polyandry, ii. 44.
Pome-tse (North Çamp), ii. 126,
140 ; plantation at (ill.), ii.
141 ; wood near, ii. (ill.), 139.
Poshteens, i. 53.
Potala, i. 23, 55, 258, 305.
Potala Lama. See D a l a i L am a .
Potala Palace, i. 348, 373 ; ii.
176, 218, 222, 279 i f (ill.) ii.
341 ; built by Na-wang Lob-
sang, i. 5 ; coloured plates of
the; facing pp. 278 and 284, vol.
ii. ; description of, ii. 189;
disappointing interior of the,
ii. 283 ; from the gardens of
Lha-lu (ill.), facing p. 244, vol.
ii. ; height of, ii. 184 ; Hue’s
account of the, ii. 291 ;
length of, ii. 184 ; photogravure
facing p. 288, vol. i i . ;
, reception at, ii. 289 ; the great
ascent of the (ill.), facing p.
290, vol. ii. ; treaty signed in
the, ii. 396 ; under the (ill.),
it- I9 9> (HI-) 287 ; view from
Chagpo-ri (ill.), ii. 186, 187;
view of (ill.), ii. 281, 283.
Potentilla root, i. 168.
Prayer flags, i. 112.
Prayer wheels, i. 115, 352 ; ii.
217, 222.
Precious Teacher of Tashi-lhunpo,
I!!#. 164.
Preston, Capt., ii. 365.
Pronunciation of Tibetan words,
ii. 376.
Propasser pulcherrimus (rose-
finch), i. 406.
Przhevalsky (Russian explorer), i.
2 5 -
Ptyonoprogne rupestris (crag-mar-
tin)j i 406
“ Pum-ba ” (pyramidal chorten),
ii. 126, (ill.) ii. 128.
Punishments, Tibetan, ii. 378.
“ Pu-pu-pu-shu ” (hoopoe), i. 409.
“ Purbu ” (instrument of power),
i. 230 ; ii. 34.
Putorius alpinus (weasel), i. 394.
Putte, Samuel van der, i. 9.
Pyramid of Saqqara, ii. 126.
Pyrrhocorax graculus (red-billed
chough), i. 406.
Querquedula circia (Garganey teal),
i. 408.
R a g y a b a s (beggar scavengers), ii.
209, 210.
Ra-lung, i. 170, 249, 252, 256,
(ill.) 257, 279; author meets
Lieut. Arundell at, ii. 327;
description of, i. 258.
Ra-lung chu, i. 252, 261; bridge
over the, i. 258 ; valley of (ill.),
i. 253, (ill.) 257.
Ra-lung po, i. 252 ; ii. 82.
Ramo-che, ii. 220, 230; temple
at, ii. 192.