Candler, Mr. (Daily Mail correspondent),
-i. 149 ; ii. 367 ; left
hand amputated, i. 135; returns
to Darjeeling, i. 155;
wounded at Guru, i. 149.
Carey, Lieut., ii. 366.
Carpodacus severtzovi (rosefinch),
i. 406.
Casarca rutila (Brahminy duck,
or ruddy sheldrake), i. 408.
Cervidce, i. 396.
Cervus affinis (“ shao,” or Tibetan
stag), i. 396, (ill.) 397, (ill.)
3 9 9 -
Chagna Dorje, ii. 312.
Chag-pa (Depen), ii. 56.
Chagpo-ri, ii. 178, (ill.) 181, 222,
Chak-sam ferry, i. 280 ; ii. 108 ;
author at, ii. 324 ; despatching
a loaded ferry boat at, ii. 119 ;
embarking mules at (ill.), ii.
117 ; encampment at (ill.),
ii. 125 ; Major Bretherton
drowned at, ii. 124; promontory
at (ill.), ii. 121.
Chak-sam Monastery (ill.), ii. 113;
gompa at, ii. 119.
Chalu, i. 159 ; expedition reaches,
i. 161 ; situation of, i. 161.
Champi-tang, bungalow at, i. 88 ;
ii- 337
Champo (the Buddha to eome),
ii. 268.
Chandra Das, i. 209 ; ii. 104.
Changan, or Hsia-Fu, i. 2.
Chang-lo, i. 179, 184, 192, 229,
233, 282, 298, (ill.) 299, (ill.)
307, 312, 322, 326; Captain
O’Connor and author arrive at,
i. 300; Col. Younghusband
moves into, i. 183 ; covered
way between, and Pala (ill.),
i. 341; entrance to (ill.), i. 283 ;
inside compound at (ill.) i. 185,
(ill.), i. 289, (ill.) i. 337 ; iris
plantation at (ill.), i. 342 ;
mess-room, of Mission at (ill.),
i. 283 ; night attacks- on, i.
287-98, 329-33 ; occupied by
Col. Younghusband, i. 245 ;
quarter-deck at (ill.), i. 329 ;
siege of, i. 325.
Changu, i. 78 ; ii. 337 ; between
Lagyap and (ill.), i. 77 ; bungalow
at, i. 75 ; heights of,
’ i- 258.
Changu Lake, i. 72, (ill.) i. 79 ;
dimensions of, i. 72 ; dwarf
rhododendrons at, i. 79.
" Chanzi,” i. 220,
Chao, Col., I. 48.
Charms, i. 351, (ill.) 333, 375. -
Chat-sa, monastery of, i. 126.
Chema fpr. “ Pé-ma” ), i. 88,
(ill.) 97, 98, 365 ; Mme; Dor-
dém’s house at (ill.), L, 99 ;
Norzan Kazi’s house at’ '(ill.),
i. 99.
Chenna dal,” ii. 383.
Cheri, column halts at, ii. 176.
“ Chiammay Lacus,” i. 7.
Chiangchun Pass, ii. 296.
Chichester, Lieut., ii. 366.
Chief Magician’s Temple at Lhasa,
photogravure facing p., 250,
vol. ii. ; doors of the, coloured
plate facing „p. 256, vol. ii. ;
interior of the (ilb); ii. <259-;
painted portico in the (ill.), ii.
255 ; throne in the, photogravure
facing p. 258, vol. ii.
Chi-kyap Kenpo, ii. 100.
Chi-lang, i. 219.
Chinese Government, i. 39.
Chinese Residency in Lhasa (ill.),
ii. 203 ; description of, ii. 204.
Ching, Prince, ii. 13.
Chingshui, ii. 296.
“ Chiru ” antelopes (Pantholops
hodgsoni), i. 393.
“ Chit ” (letter of recommendation),
ii. 387.
“ Chi-u-teb-tok ” (willow warbler),
i. 409.
Chola Kusho, ii, 289.
Chorten-kirpo wall, or White
Cairn, i. 103, n r , 112. .
Chos-kor Plain, ii. 3.
“ Chota Billy ” (jingal), i. 335.
Chow-chow (Asian dog), i. 400.
“ Chuba ” (tea), i. 362.
Chu-jyi-kang (the garden of the
classics), ii. 201.
Cliuinbi, i. 75, i n ; • camj) at,
i. 101; expedition reaches,
i. 48 ; in midwinter (ill.), i. 113 ;
jong at, i. 48; Macdonald
leaves, i. 136 ^stores at, i. 53 ;
women of, i. 107.
Chumbi Valley, i. 44, 84, 97,
101, (ill.) 122, 123, 187, 228,
246, 386 ; path down the (ill.),
ii- 379 ; Rinchengong bridge in
the (ill.), i. 93 ; view of (ill.),
i. 109 ; “ White Rock ” (Ta-
karpo) of the, i. n g ; women
labour in the (ill.), i. 383.
Chumiumo (mountain range), ii.
I 3 3 3 -
“ Chu-mi shenga,” i. 139.
Chumolhari (mountain), i. 84,
125,126, 133,136, 164 ; ii. 333';'
alt. of, i. 85.
Chung-ssu-kang (main street of
Lhasa), ii, 201.
Chusul, i. 305 ; ii. 144, 147;
author reaches, ii. 322; view
of, (ill.), 149.
Chyando, ii. 13.
Cinnamon sparrow (Passer cinna-
momeus), 1. 406.
Coleridge, Lieut., ii. 366.
Collingridge, Lieut., ii. 366.
Colthurst, Lieut., ii. 366.
Columba leuconota (snow pigeon),
, i. 407.
Columba rupestris (blue - hill
pigeon), i. 407.
Column. See E x p e d i t i o n .
Commissioner. See C o l . Y o u n g h
u s b a n d .
Common teal (Nettium crecca),
i. 408.
Coningham, Capt., ii. 365.
ConoUy„£apt., ii. 366.
Convoy yaks in a blizzard, photogravure
facing p. 136, vol. i.
Cooke, Capt., ii. 365.
Coolie corps, i. 52.
Cooper, Lieut.-Col., ii. 365.
Coot (Fulica.atra), i. 408.
Corbet, Miss Sybil, ii. 377.
Corvus corax (raven), i. 403.
Cotile riparia (sand-martin), i.
Council chamber of Sha-pes, ii.
3 5 7 -
Cowie, Capt., ii. 366.
Crag-martin (Ptyonoprogne rupestris),
i. 406.
Cr’aster, Capt., killed at Tse-chen,
ii. 60.
Cromer, Lord, i. 306.
Crown Prince of Sikkim, i. 361.
Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), i. 407.
Cullen, Capt., i. 270, 338.
‘‘ Cup-marks,” ii. 163 ; outside
Lhasa (ill.), ii. 162.
Currie, Lieut., ii. 365.
Curzon, Lord, i. frontispiece, 35,
3^b 191; ii- 7, 20, 4O0 ; author
writes to, i. 229; policy of, i.
19O, 306 ; ii. 21; reasons for
sending Mission, ii. 21.
Cypselus apus (swift), i. 406.
D a f i l a a c u t a (pintail), i. 408.
Dak (mail) runners, i. 309;
rescued by Capt. Ottley, i. 312.
Dalai Lama (“ Ocean of Learning
” ). i- 3 . 5 , 3 2 , 3 3 , 4 3 , 48,
95, 187-9, 248, 251-2, 302,
304- 3 ,. 309, 3 4 7 , 3 5 5 ; ii- 5 ,
14 }:,i diplomacy of the, i. 35 ;
flies from Lhasa, ii. 18 ; policy
of, ii. 7 ; refuses transport to
the Amban, ii. 13; reincarnation
of, ii,. 4.
Dalmahoy, Lieut., ii. 106, 325.
Dam, Lo zang rin-chen tsang-
yang gya-tso beheaded at, ii.
. 3 9 8 -
Dam dim, ii. 25.
“ Dang-to ” (“ cold - warm ” =
temperature), i. 367.
Daniell, Lieut., ii. 366.
Daphne cannabina, i. 117 ; paper
made from, i. 115.
Darjeeling, i. 44; tea-planters of,
ii. 26.
Davys, Lieut., ii. 366.
Deb Raja, or King of Bhutan, ii.