Steel, Mr. F. A., i. 385.
Steen, Capt., ii. 362.
Strachey, Mr. Henry, i. 24.
Strachey, Mr. Robert, i. 24.
Stuart, Capt., ii. 366.
Suiyung Barrier, ii. 296.
Superstitions, i. 349, 352.
Su-pi-la-yat, i. 364.
“ Susan ” (Tibetan mule) (ill.), i.
I25‘ H Swallows (Hirundo rufula, subsp.),
i. 406.
“ Swastika ” or “ fylfot ” i. 145,
3 5 1- M B
Swift (Cypselus apus), 1. 406.
Symplegades, i. 118.
Synge, Capt., ii. 367.
Syrrhaptes tibetanus (sand-grouse),
I 4 0 7 - . „ . £ Sze-chuan, province of, 1. 362;
ii. 15.
Ta C h in g - i - tu n g c h ih , ii. 280.
Ta Lama, ii. (ill.), n , 12, 61-5,
xoo, 102.
Ta-chien-lu, ii. 15, 361.
Tag-po (district), ii. 3.
Tai-tsang, Emperor, i. 3.
Ta-ka-re, O’Connor and author
ride to, ii. 127 ; giant willows
■ at, (ill.) ii. 129.
Ta-ka-re Monastery, i. 358 ; ii.
127, 284; treasure room in
(ill.), ii. 133.
Ta-karpo, or “ White Rock, 1.
118, (ill.) 119.
Ta-la, ii. 95-6
Tamdin (deity), ii. 38.
Tandesa, plantation of birches at,
i. 167.
Tang, imperial house of, i. 2.
“ Tang-kas ” (roll paintings on
canvas or silk), i. 247, 374;
ii. 132, coloured plate facing p.
370, vol. i.
Tang la (pass), i. 48, 92, 122, 136 ;
blizzard on the, ii. 361 ; crossing
the, i. 137 ; heliograph at, i. 52.
Tang-tong, Prince, ii. 119.
Tantric rites, carved human bones
used in (ill.), ii. 251.
Taranath Grand Lama, ii. 2, 235.
Taring, i/361 ; walls of, i. 364.
Tar Kola, i. 59.
Tashi Lama (Grand Lama of
Tashi-lhunpo), i. 6; ii, 220,
353, 399.
Tashi-lhunpo, i. 5, 13, 14, 235 ;
abbot of, i. 41 ; gramophone
incident at, i., 41 ; Grand
Lamas of, i. 3, 5, 6, 235 ; ii.
220, 353.
Tashi-tse, ii. 147.
Teal, i. 160 ; ii. 176.
Te-chih-li-tsan, ii. 296, 385.
Te-kang, ii. 12.
Teling Kusho, i. 335 ; ii. 56.
Temperatures at Chu-gya, ii.
380 ; hot springs, i. 170-1, 173 ;
Phari, i. 128 ; ii. 380 ; Tang
la, ii. 380 ; Yak la, i. 52.
Tengye-ling, ii. 230.
Ten-gyur (commentaries on sacred
scriptures), i. 367.
Terai, i. 57.
Terns, i. 160.
Tetraogallus tibetanus (Tibetan
snow-cock), i. 407.
“ Te-tsang ” (treaty), ii. 386.
Thari-putra, i. 215.
“ The Lama ” (dog), i. 339.
Thorold (explorer), pi 24.
Thompson, Sir E. M., i. 411.
Tibet, i. 60, 158, 225, 230;
alt. of, ii. 376 ; art in, i. 369-
74 ; Buddhism in, ii. 28- 51 ;
burial customs in, . ii 389 ;
climate of; i. 342 ; ■ colour of, i.
340; cookery in, i. 363 ;
deities of, Lie 37 ; devil worship
in, ii. 36; difficulties of
travel in, i, 23 ; diseases pre-
. valent in/ ji. 46 ; divorce in,
i. 386 ; early history of, i. 1-6;
explorers of, i. 4-25 ; first
sight of, i. 83, (ill.) 85 ; first
tree in, (ill.), Ml 167 ■; folklore
of, ii. 367-375 ; Friar
Odoric, or Ordericus, visits, i.
4; future relations with, ii.
26 ; .Jewellery of, i. 375,' coloured
plate facing p. 376,
vol. i. ; lamaism in, ii. 28- vol. i. ; stag (ill.), i. 396 ; stag-
32 ; language of, i. 367; horn (ill.), i. 399 ; tang-ka,”
legendary history of, i. I ; coloured plate facing p. 370,
literature of, i. 367 ; maps of, vol. i. ; track (ill.), i. 122 ;
i. 7, 11 ; marriage customs of, wall at Hot Springs (ill.), r.
i. 385 ; medical profession in, ' 139, 142 ; wall at. Karo la
ii. 383 ; music of, i. 381 ; (ill-), ü- 85 ; woman labour
prayer flags of; i. 232 ; punish- (ill-), i- 383; women washing
ment in, ii. 353; : Red Cap (ill.), i. 382; women weavcolonies
in, i. 255 ; religion of, ing (ill.), ii. 386 ; work, exi.
347-59 ; religious tyranny in, amples of (ill.), i. 377, (ill.)
i. 349 ; rise of the present i. 379 ; woven stuffs, i. 376.
régime in, i. 5 ; rulers of, i. Tibetan dogs, i. 387, 403.
2-6 ; secret surveys of, . ii. Tibetan partridge (Perdix hodg-
22-3 ; Srong-tsan-gambo, King sonice), i. 407.
of, i. 3 sunsets in, i. 280, Tibetan snow-cock (Tetraogallus
346 ; 112 ; tea in, i. 362 ; , tibetanus), i. 407.
viceroy of, i. 305 ; woven stuffs Tibetan twite (Acanthis breviros-
. of, .i. 376. tris), i. 407.
Tibet Frontier Commission. See Tibetan universe (ill.), ii. 381.
M is s ion '. Tibetan wall at Hot Springs)
Tibet, Southern, i. 126 ; amphibia photogravure facing p. 148,
. of, i. 410 ; birds of-%séè ' vol. i.
B i r d s o f S o u t h e r n T i b e t ; Tibetans, i. 244 ; and agriculture,
fish of, i. 409; insects of, i. i. 233; assemble near Bam
410 ; mammals of—see Mam- tso, i. 140 ; break treaty of
m a ls o f S o u t h e r n T i b e t ; 1890-3, i. 36 • build a wall near
miscellaneous, i. 410 ; natural Kang-ma, i. 168 ; characterhistory
of, i. 391-410 ; reptiles istics of the, i. 107 ; charms of,
of, i. 409. i. 349, 352, 375 ; dirt of, ii.
Tibetan art, i. 369774 ; art of 45 ; disarming the, i. 147 ;
wall building, i. 265 ; atten- diseases prevalent among, ii.
dants (ill.), i. 145; brasswork, 46; Dr. Franklin’s work among
i. 376 ; casualties at Karo la, wounded, i. 157 ; flight of, i.
. i. 276 ; charms, i. 349, 352, 150, (ill.) 151,179, 272 ; gather
375 ; children (ill.), i. 385 ; at Guru, i. 50 ; group of
council imprisoned, ii. 11 ; cu- (ill-), ii- 387 ; (ill.), ii. 388 ;
riosity, ii. 171 diplomacy, i. home life of, i. 360 ; in force
32 dogs, i. 387, 403 ; frescoes round Gyantse, ii. 55 ; intill.),
i. 215, (ill.) 241, 370 ; capacity of, as soldiers, i. 275 ;
highlands, i. 255; historical in the Karo la, i. 251 ; language
rehc (Do - ring), i. 1 ; . house of, i. 367; literature of, i.
charm (ill,), 1. 353 ; jewellery, 367 ; manners and customs, i.
coloured plate facing p. 376, 359; marriage customs of, ii.
vol) i. ; manuscripts, i. 369 ;- 44 ; number of, killed at Red
music; i. 381 ; pottery, i. 376 ; Idol Gorge, i. 177 ; polyandry
prisoners at Karo la (ill.), i. practised by, ii. 44 ; pursuit
277 ; pronunciation of, words, of, i. 175 ; repulsed at Chang-lo,
ii. 376 ; punishments, ii. 378 ; i. 333.; servants of, i. 364 ;
question, i. 26 ; sanctuary, superstitions of, i. 349, 351,
photogravure facing p. 358, 352 ; surround Gyantse, i.