Debung monastery, i. 29 ; ii. 175*
(ill.) 177. 230, 245, 265-7.
Dé chu, ii. 380.
Deities of Tibet, ii. 37.
Deodora, i. 86.
Dépens (generals), ii. 357.
Desideri, Hippolito, i. 9 ; ii.
208, 267.
Devil-worship, ii. 36.
Di chu, ii. 25.
“ Di-di-ku-ku ” (turtle-dove), i.
Dmgri, ii. 356.
Dochen, i. 159.
Dog-mi-pal-gi-ye-she (teacher of
Lamaism), ii. 33.
Dolma jang (blue-faced goddess),
i. i n ; ii. 37.
“ Dongs ” (wild yaks), i. 197.
Dongtse, i. 218, 219, 236, 238,
248, 251, 284 ; monastery of,
i. 233 ; ii. 55 ; occupied, ii.
Donyer chenpo (chamberlain), ii.
Dor-dém, Lady, i. . 365 ; house
of, at Chema (ill.), i. 99.
Do-ring (Tibetan historical relic),
i. 1 ; ii. 292 ; coloured plate
of the, facing p. 292, vol. ii. ;
old treaty on the, i. 1 ; translation
of the, ii. 295, 384.
“ Dorje ” (instrument of power),
i. 230.
Dorje Phagmo (“ pig-goddess ” ),
i. 126.
Dorjieff (Mongolian Buriat lama
and adventurer), i. 29, 35, 41,
188, 284, 303, 356 ; ii. 4-6, 266,
399 ; aliases of : (Ghomang
Lobzang, i. 30 ; Ngaku-wang-
dorje, i. 30; and Akohwan
Darjilikoff, i. 31) ; brings rifles
to Potala, ii. 10 ; distributes
gifts, ii. 8 ; influence of, wanes,
ii. 15 ; intrigues with Russian
and Lhasan authorities, i., 31 ;
journeys to St. Petersburg, i.
31-3 ; policy of, i. 32, 187 ;
ii. 5.
D’Orleans, Prince Henri, i. 24.
Dota, plain of, i. 122,125 ; frozen
waterfall at (ill.), i. 123.
Dowgago, i. 62.
Dub-chen-gyal - wo - chang - chub
(teacher of Lamaism), ii. 34.
“ Du-kang,” i. 221.
Dumu tso (ill.), ii. 99.
Dunlop, Major, i. 149 ; ii. 365 ;
wounded at Guru, i. 149.
“ Du-nyi ” (tea), i. 362.
Durbars, at Gyantse, ii. 65 ; at
Nagartse, ii. 101.
“ Du-tang ” (tea), i. 362.
Dzara, ii. 18, 87.
Dzungarian raid, i. 6.
E a g l e - o w l (Bubo ignavus), i.
Eagles, Himalayan, ii. 326.
Easton, Capt., ii. 365.
Edelweiss, i. 160.
“ Ekka ” (light two-wheeled cart),
ii. 156, 332.
Elliott, Capt., ii. 364.
Equus hemionus (“ kiang,” or
wild ass), i. 391.
Equus onager v. indicus (wild ass),
i. 392.
European visitors to Lhasa, i.
9- 25-
Eusa-ka, i. 101, 102.
Examples of Tibetan work, i. (ill.),
3 7 7 . (ill-) 3 7 9 -
Expedition, i. 47; arrives at
Chalu, i. 161 ; at Chumbi, i.
48; halts at Cheri, ii. 176;
halts at Menza, i. 163 ; marches
on Lhasa, ii. 151,; moving
down Karo chu gorge (ill.), ii.
87; officers of, who reached
Lhasa, ii. 364-7; reaches Phari,
i. 136 ; reaches Yatung, i. 47 ;
return of, see Appendix E, ii.
361; route of, arranged, i. 46.
F a l c o s u b b u t e o (hobbie), i. 406.
Falco tinnunculus (kestrel), i.
Fan, ii. 296.
Felis isabellina and F . lynx
(lynxes), i. 393.
Felis manul (Pallas’s cat), i. 393.
Felis uncia (snow leopard), i. 393.
Field mice, i. 395.
Fisher, Capt., ii. 365.
“ Five beauties of Lhasa ” (i.e.,
the Lu-kang lake; Lha-lu
house, or Tashi-linga; the
Chu-jyi-kang, garden of the
classics; Yutok Sampa, or
Liu-li-chiao; and the main
street, Chung-ssu-kang), ii.
201, 205.
Fletcher, Mr., i, 25.
Folk-lore of Tibet, ii. 368.
Forbidden City. See L h a s a .
Forest fire near Kata-tsang (ill.),
I i. 105.
“ Four Gates ” (village), i. 252,
Fowling-piece found at Pala (ill.),
i. 15.
Foxes (Vulpes alopex 0. flavescens
and V. ferrilatus,) i. 394 ; ii. 84.
Franklin, Dr., ii. 366 ; work of,
among wounded Tibetans, i.
I5 7 -
Frescoes, at Palkhor choide (ill.),
i. 215 ; at Sinchen Lama’s
apartments (ill.), i. 241, 370.
Freyre, Manuel, i. 9 ; ii. 208.
Frontispiece to Vol. I., Lord
Frontispiece to Vol. II., Col. Sir
Francis E. Younghusband,
Fulica atra (coot), i. 408.
Fuller, Major, ii. 365.
“ Fylfot ” (swastika), i. 351.
G a b e t , J o s e p h , i. 22.
Gaden monastery, i. 48 ; ii. 1,
265. 355 ; Shar-tse abbot of,
ii. 3.
Galinka, i-. 112 ; grazing at, i. 116 ;
situation of, i. 116.
Gallinago solitaria (solitary snipe),
i. 408.
Gallinago stenura (pintail snipe),
i. 408.
Gallinula chloropus (moorhen),
i. 408.
Gangtok, i. 47, 62, 98, 364 ; residency
at, i. 63, (ill.) 67 ; rhododendron
trees near (ill.), i. 69.
Garganey teal (Querquedula
circia), i. 408.
Garstin, Lieut., i. 314, 316, 317 ;
killed at Pala, i. 318.
Gartok, ii. 19, 361.
“ Garuda ” (bird), i. 368.
“ Gau-o ” (trinket), i. 231.
Gautama, i. 91, 198, 348, 355,
371 ; ii. 310.
Gautso in Chumbi Valley, photogravure
facing p. 118, vol. i.
Gaya, i. 349 ; ii. 29, 50.
Gazella picticaudata (gazelle or
goa), i. 393 ; ii. 84.
Gazelle, or goa (Gazella picticaudata),
i. 393 ; ii. 84.
Gedun-tubpa (Grand Lama of
Tashi-lhunpo), i. 5 ; ii. 351.
Gelukpas, or Yellow Cap sect,
i. 4, 5, 205 ; ii. 351.
Genghiz Khan, i. 82, 158.
Gerbera Jamesonii (sunflower), ii.
Gesur Yeshe Wang-gyuk, i. 142.
Ghomang Lobzang. See D o r j
i e f f .
Ghoom Station, ii. 339.
Giao-gong, i. 36, 39.
Gnathong (ill.), i. 47 ; Tibetan
pony corps bolts at, i. 48.
Goa, or gazelle (Gazella picticaudata),
i. 393 ; ii. 84.
Gobshi, i. 228, 251, 279, 282 ;
ii. 58, 82 ; crops at, ii. 327 ;
description of, i. 229 ; photogravure
facing p. 250, vol. i.
Gobshi, Little, i. 228 ; rug.factory
at, i. 228. -
“ Gob-sorg,” i. 107.
“ Golden Army ” (monkish reserve),
Gompa (temple), i. 169, 198 ;
altar in, at Gyantse Jong (ill.),
i. 201.
Gom-tahg, i. 258 ; ii. 84.
Gong-kar, i. 236 ; jong at, i. 240 ;
ii. 144.
Goosander (Mergus castor), i. 408.