Rang-po (river), i. 59, 60, 96 ;
tributary of the (ill.), i. 61.
Rapalchan, King of Tibet, i. 3 ;
ii. 292.
Raven (Corvus corax), i. 403.
Rawlings, Capt., ii. 332 ; detailed
for surveying service to Gartok,
ii. 361.
Ray, Major, ii. 364 ; meets with
an accident, ii. 379.
Red-billed chough (Pyrrhocorax
graculus), i. 406.
Red Cap school, i. 2.
Red Caps or Nying-mas (sect), i.
Red Hill, or Marpo-ri, ii. 177.
Red Idol Gorge (Tib. Zam-
trang, Ch. Hong-pusa), i. 162,
171; ii. 56; fight at, i.
176 ; number of Tibetans killed
at, i. 177 ; photogravure, facing
p. 176, vol. i. ; rock-cut Buddhas
at (ill.), 177.
Redshank (Totanus calidris), i.
Redstarts (Ruticilla hodgscni and
R. rufiventris), i. 234, 406.
Red-throated ouzel (Merula rufi-
collis), i. 406.
Re-incarnation, doctrine of, i.
349> 355; ii- 4I~2> 307
Residency at Gangtok, i. 63,
(ill.) 67.
Re-ting, the Regent’s Palace (ill.),
ii. 269.
Re-ting, Lama of, ii. 9.
“ Rgyal-rtse ” (“ Royal Peak ” ),
i. 193.
Rhins, Dutreuil de, i. 24.
Rhododendron argenteum, i. 64.
Riang, i. 59.
Rice, Capt., ii. 332.
Rijnhart, Mr., i. 24.
Rinchengong, i. 89, 92, 96, 98 ;
ii. 25 ; bridge in Chumbi Valley
(ill.), i. 93 ; hermit’s cell near
(ill.), i. 95. .
Roborovsky (Russian explorer), 1.
Rock-cut Buddhas, ii. 161 ; at
Red Idol Gorge (ill.), i. 177 ;
near Lhasa (ill.), ii. 145 > at
Ling-kor (ill.), 227.
Rockhill, Mr. W. W., i. 24.
“ Ro-nang,” i. 366.
Rong chu, i. 261; ii. 104.
Rong-ni (stream), i. 62 ; bridge
over the (ill.), i. 63 ; on the
(ill.), i. 63 ; photogravure, facing
p. 62, vol. i.
Rosefinch (Pro-passer pulcherri-
mus), i. 326, 406.
Ross,- Capt., ii. 367.
Row, Major, i. 270-2 ; ii. 365,389.
Royal Fusiliers (7th), ii. 58.
Ruddy sheldrake, or Brahminy
duck (Casarca rutila), i, 408.
Russia, negotiates for a treaty,
i 3 3 -
Ruticilla hodgsoni (redstart), 1.
Ruticilla rufiventris (redstart), i.
Rybot, Lieut., ii. 365.
Rydep, Capt., i. 192, 292, 299 ; ii.
366; detailed for surveying
service to Gartok, ii. 361; plans
defences of Chang-lo, i. 334.
S a c r e d w illow a t L h a s a (ill.),
ii. 293, (ill.), 295.
St. Joasaph, i. 357.
Sakya Monastery, i. 4; ii. 31;
Grand Lama of, i. 4; Red
Lama of, i. 4;
Sal, i. 58.
Sam-ding Monastery, i. 244; ii.
99. '
Samonda, 1. 164.
Sam-ye Monastery, i. 2 ; ii. 208.
Sanctuary at Nyen-d6-kyi-buk
(ill.), i. 221.
Sandberg, Rev. Graham, ii. 206.
Sand-grouse (Syrrhaptes tibetanus),
i- 407- 1 1 H H
Sand-martin (Come npana), 1.
Sappers (2nd), i. 47.
Sarat Chandra Das, i. 235, 236,
Saugang, i. 177, 299, 309 ; ii. 5 6 -
Saxifrage, i. 160.
“ Sebu ” (Tibetan dog), i. 387.
Sebu la, i. 81.
Se-chuan, i. 81.
Sen-de-gye-sum, or Three Great
Monasteries, ii. 265, 396.
Sera, ii. 169.
Sera Monastery, i. 48 ; ii. 178,
245, 263-7.
Sevoke, description of, i. 57.
Shaffi Phen-tso Dorje. See S h a t a
S h a p e .
Shamanist (Black Hat devil
dancer), ii. 297.
“ Shao,” or Tibetan stag (Cervus
afjinis), i. 99, 116, 396, (ill.)
u 397, (ill ) 399.
“ Shao-a-ru-chu ” (ten-pointed
<( stag), i. 99.
“ Shao ” horns (ill.);-4, . 399 ; ii.
Shapes or Kalons (cabinet
ministers), ii. 12, 345, 356;
council chamber of, ii. 357.
Shata Shape (Premier, also known
as Shaffi Phen-tso Dorje), iii 4,
8, 12 ; accused of taking bribes,
ii. 10.
Shebdung Lama, i. 218, 220, 239 ;
ii. 147.
Sheldrake, ruddy, or Brahminy
duck (Casarca rutila), i .' 160,
Sheng-tai, ii. 15.
Shenrezig, eleven-headed (ill.), ii.
49. 314-
Shen-si, i. 4.
Sheol, i. 210.
Sheppard, Capt. i. 307, 314-6;
ii. 67, 76, 365, constructs
covered way between Chang-lo
and Pala (ill.), i. 341.
Shigatse, i. 46, 142, 248-9; ii.
353 ; road, i. 343, 345.
Shigatse Depen, i. 143.
Shing don kar, ii. 169, 172-3;
ruined fort of, ii. 172.
Shin-je (God of Hell), ii. 33, 38,
Shipki Pass, ii. 363.
Sho-kang (Tibetan official), ii. 12
Shoveller (Spatula clypeata), i. 408.
“ Shri ” (spirit), ii. 39.
Shui-ko-liang-ting. See L u - k a n g .
Shu-po-pal-ki-sing-ge (teacher of
Lamaism), ii. 34.
Shwe Dagon, ii. 189!
Sidi Ali, ii. 389.
Sikhs, i. 248, 249.
Sikkim, i. 36, 45, 53, 163;
foliage of, i. 57-63; frontier
regulations of, ii. 7 ; game at,
i. 67 ; leeches of, i. 67 ; path
through (ill.), i. 73 ; products
of, i. 66 ; woods at, i. 84.
Siliguri, i. 52, 81; dak bungalow
at, i. 54.
Sinchen Lama, i. 220, 233, 236,
237, 371; ii- 144 ; story of the
last, i. 235.
Singh Bir (author’s servant),
character of, ii. 81.
Sining, ii. 17.
Skeene, Capt., ii. 367.
Sketch map of Lhasa, facing
p. 172, vol. ii.
Skipwith, Lieut., ii. 366.
Skylark (Alauda arvensis), i. 406.
‘ “ Sna-mdong ” (Ya-tung), i. 51.
Snipes (Gallinago solitaria and G.
stenura), i. 408.
Snow leopard (Felis uncia), i. 393.
Snow, or mountain finches (Monti-
fringilla adamsi, M. blanfordi,
and M. ruficollis), i. 407.
Snow partridge (Lerwa nivicola),
V i. 407.
Snow pigeon (Columba leuconota),
i. 86, 407.
Sok-po-lha-pal (teacher of Lamaism),
ii. 33.
Solpon chenpo, ii. 290.
Souter, Capt., i. 53 ; ii. 102, 158,
Southern Tibet. See T i b e t ,
S o u t h e r n .
Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus),
i. 406.
Spatula clypeata (shoveller), i. 408.
Spencer, Lieut., ii. 366.
Srong-tsan-gambo, King of Tibet,
i. 2; ii. 29, 284; establishes
Buddhism, ii. 29.