Lhasa— co ntinued.
first sight of (ill.)> ii- i 65 ;
flight of the Dalai Lama from,
. ii. 19 ; from Shing-donkar (ill.),
ii. 173 ; golden roofs of, ii 261 ;
Government of, i. 27 ; Grand
. Lama of, i. 3, 6, 347 ; horn
masonry in, ii. 210, (ill.) 213 ;
inside the Lu-kang gardens at
ill.), ii. 217 ; interior of the
Chief Magician’s temple at
(ill.), ii. 259 ; internal affairs
of, ii. 1, 8 ; Italian-like houses
at, (ill.) ii. 247; latitude and
longitude of, ii. 376 ; Ling-
kor, the Sacred Way round, ii.
23, 157, (ill.) 179, 218, 221-5 ;
made the capital, i. 5 ; main
street in (ill.), ii. 273 ; map of
the road to end of vol. ii. ;
marching through, ii. 205 ;
officers who reached, ii. 367 ;
outside the western doors of
the Cathedral in, (ill.) ii. 299;
outside the western gate of (ill. ),
ii. 181, photogravure facing p.
182, vol. ii. ; panorama of, ii.
191 ; portico of Chief Magician’s
temple at (ill.), ii- 255 ;
previous visitors to, i. 4-22 ;
road to, i. 55, 75, 160, 170,
258, 261, 263, 314 ; (ill-) Ü-
158 ; rock-cut Buddha near
(ill.), ii. 145 ; sacred willow at
(ill.), ii. 293, (ill.) 295 ; scenes
in (ill.), , dh 214, (ill.) 285;
shrine on road to, ii. 115 ;
sketch map of, facing p. 172,
vol. ii-. ; street scènes in (ill.), ii.
202, 207, photogravure facing
p. 206, vol. ii. ; surviving
elephant at (ill.), ii. 219 ; the
Lukang gardens in, photogravure
facing p. 218, vol. ii. ;
the- turquoise bridge in|
coloured plate facing p. 200,
vol. ii. 4 treaty signed at, ii.
396 ; view inside western gate
at, photogravure facing p.
286, vol. ii. ; view of (ill.), ii.
Lheding Dipen, i. 50, 51, 142,
143 ; calls at Tuna, L 51.
Li, Major,!. 48.
Lichens, i. 85, 86.
Ling-kor, or Sacred Way, i. 115 ;
ii. 23, 157, 218, 221G described,
ii. 224 ; on the, photogravure
facing p. 224, vol. ii. ;
sacred rock on the (ill.) ii. 227 ;
view of: (ill.), ii. 179, (ill.) 223,
(ill.) 225.
Lingma-tang, i. 116, 118.
Ling-tu,‘ i. 84, 258.
Lister, Mr., ii. 338.
Littledale, Mr.,!§25.
Little Gobshi, i. 228 ; rug factory
at, i. .228.
Lo-che-ma-thog-rin-chen (teacher
of Lamaism), ii. 34.
Long-ma, i. 256 ; ii. 82.
Lophophorus refulgens (monal), i.
Loseling Kempo (a Tibetan
monk), ii. 277.
Lo zang rin-chen tsang-yang gya-
tso, beheaded at Dam, ii. 398.
Lu-chea Monastery, i. 161.
Lu-kang, island sanctuary of, ii.
168, 201, 218.
Lung-ta (“ flying horses ” ), b
2 3 3 -
Lynch, Lieut., ii. 365.
Lynxes (Felis lynx ar.d F. isa-
bellina), i. 393.
M a, G e n e r a l , i. 159 , 178 surrenders
Gyantse Jong, (ill.) i.
18 1
Macdonald, Gen., i. 44, 45, 48, 49,
104, 140, 175, 181; ii. 54, 123,
364 ; camps at Chumbi, i. 135 ;
leaves Chumbi, i. 136 ; quarters
of, at Bakcham, i. 104; returns
to Chumbi, 187 ; taken
ill at Kamba-partsi, ii. i n
Maclachlan, Capt., ii. 365.
Macpherson, Lieut., ii. 365.
Mldgalyana, i. 215.
Magadha, King of, i. 2.
Magniac, Mr. Vernon, ii. 107, 147,
Magnolias, i. 66.
Magpie (Pica bottanensis), 234,406.
Maharajah of Nepaul, i. 304, 305.
Mahatma, i|i;35.
Mahatma theory, origin of, ii. 33.
Mahomet, ii. 43.
Mahommed Isa,, (ill.) ii. 103.
Mainprise, Capt., ii. 366.
Maitreya (coming Buddha), i. 210,
368 ; ii. 307.
“ Major Wimberley ” (dog), i. 339.
Malang, i. 280 ; ii. 79.
Mali-ghat, i. 59. •
Mallard (Anas boscas), i. 408.
Mammals of Southern Tibet :
Antelope (Paniholops hodgsoni),
i. 393 ; bharal (Ovis nahura), i.
392 ; dogs (various)j i. 403 ;
field mice, i. 395 ; foxes (Vulpes
alopex v. flavescens and' v.
ferrilatus), > i. 394 ; ii. 84 ;
gazelle or goa (Gazella picti-
caudata)i i. 393 ; ii. 8 4 . great
Tibetan sheep (Ovis hodgsoni,
0 . poli, and O. ammon),
1. 392 ; hare, woolly (Lepus
oiostolus), i. 394; house mice,
395; kiangs, or wild asses
(Equus hemionus and E. onager
v. indicus), i. 391, 392 ¡Jlynxes
(Felis lynx and F . isabellina),
i. 393 ; marmots (Arctomys
hinialayanus and A . hodgsoni),
i. 394, 395 ; mouse-hare (La-
gomys cwrzonice), i. 395 ; musk
deer (Moschus moschiferus), I®;;
396 ; Pallas’s cat (Felis manul),
i. 393 ; “ shao ” or Tibetan
stag (Cervus affinis), i. 396
(ill.) .3 9 7> (HI-) 3 9 9 ; snow
leopard (Felis uncia), fp 393 ;
weasel (Putorius alpinus), '■ i.
394 ; wild yak (Bos grunniens),
i. 396 x wolves (Canislaniger), i.
394 ; yak (ill.), i.400. See- also
under respective heads.
Maharajah of Sikkim, Palace of
(ill.):, i. 101.
Mandalay, i. 198.
“ Manis ” or “ Mendangs ” (inscribed
stones), i. 207, 352.
Manning, Mr. Thomas, i. 10, 17,
162,193,194 ; ii. 92 ; describes
Phari, i. 132.
Mansarowar, Lake, ii. no.'
Man-trap found in Phari, ii. 378.
Mantras, i. 231.
Map of China and Tibet (1680),
i. 7.
Map of the Jesuits, i. 11.
Map of Lhasa,;;.facing p. 172,
Map of Karo la, facing p. 270,
vol. -i.
Map of the Phari-Gyantse road
(Turner), i. 19.
Map of the post at Gyantse,
facing p. 300, vol. i.
Map of the road to Lhasa, end of
vol. ii.
Marindin, Lieut., ii. 366.
Markham, Sir Clements, i. 17,
Marmots (Arctomys himalayanus
and A . hodgsoni), i.. 394.
Marpo-ri, ■' or Red Hill, ii. 177,
218, 285.
Marriage customs of Tibet, i. 385.
Marriages,-temporary, i. 100.
Marsden, Lieut., ii. 366.
Masbi Sikh, i. 300.
Ma Shao yfin, ii. 280.
Masong Chungdong, ii. 333.
Masu (Chinese historian), ii. 376,
Maund = 80 lbs., i. 183.
Melanocorypha maxima (Calandra
lark), i. 406.
“ Mendangs ” or “ Manis ” (inscribed
stones), i. 207, 352.
Menza, i. 165 ; alt. of plateau
near, i. 163 ; column halts at,
1 WA “ Meredithian,” marriages, i. 386.
Mergus casto (goosander), i. 408.
Merjelensee, i. 278.
Meru, ii. 381; gompa at, ii. 192.
Merula ruficollis (red-throated
ouzel), i. 406.
Meru Ta Lama, ii. 289.
Mewa, the jemadar, i. 331.
Microbe sprites, Ü..39.