126 ; takes photographs, ii. 100,
244, 246 ; visits buried monks,
i. 217 ; visits Dongtse Monastery,
i. 233 ; visits the' temple
of the Chief Magician, ii. 246 ;
writes to Lord Curzon, i. 229.
Avalokiteswara, i. 3, 5; ii. 2,
19, 353, 399 ; reincarnation of,
i. 3 5 6 .
Azochozki, i- 29.
Badi (fishing village), ii. 104.
Baggage animals, ii. 154-5.
Baikuntpur sal forest, i. 56.
Bailey, Lieut., i. 169 ; ii. 236,
366; detailed for surveying
service to Gartok, ii. 361.
Baird, Capt., i. 157.
Bakcham, i, 104; Gen. Macdonald’s
quarters at, i. 104;
Lieut. Alston buried at, i. 104.
Baldwin, Capt., ii. 365.
Balkh, ii. 386.
Ba-mi-ye-she (teacher of Lama-
ism), ii. 33.
Bamtso, i. 44, 140, 160, 161.
Bar-headed goose (Anser indicus),
i. 160, 234, 408.
Batang, ii. 15.
Bayley, Mr. C. B. (correspondent),
ii. 3 6 7 -
Begonias, i. 58.
Behgatti, Cassiano, ii. 209.
Bell, Capt., ii. 365.
Bennett, Lieut., ii. 366.
Bethell, Lieut.,#. 366.
Bethune, Capt., i. 276 ; death of,
i. 270.
“ Beun-pa ” (aboriginal devil
worshippers), i. 230, 351.
Beynon, Major, ii. 364.
Bharal (Ovis nahurq), i. 392,.
I Bhusa,” i. 161.
Bhutan, i. 13, 92.
Bhutias, i. 81.
Bignell, Lieut., ii. 364.
Birds of Southern Tibet:
Bar-headed goose (Anser in-
dicm), i. 160, 234, 408 ; blackeared
kite (milvus melanotis),
i. 405 ; blood pheasant (Itha-
genes cruentus), i. 407 ; blue-
hill pigeon (Columba rupestris),
i. 407 ; calandra lark (Melano-
corypha maxima)., i. 406 ; cinnamon
sparrow (Passer cinna-
momeus), i. 406 ; common teal
(Nettium crecca), i. 408; coot
(Fulica atra), i. 408; crag-
martin (Ptyonoprogne rupestris),
i. 406; eagle-owl (Bubo
ignavus), i. 406 ; Garganey teal
(Querquedula circia), i. 408;
goosander (Mergus castor), i.
408 ; Himalayan griffon vulture
(Gyps himalayensi'S), i.
405 ; hobbie (Falco subbuteo),
i. 406 ; hoopoe (Upupa epops),
i. 406; horned lark (Otocorys
elwesi), i. 406; kestrel (Falco
tinnunculus), i. 406 ; Tammer-
geier (Gypaetus barbatus), i.
403; magpie (Pica botta-
nensis), i. 406 ; mallard (Anas
boscas), i. 408 ; monal (Lopho-
phorus refulgens), i. 407 ; moorhen
(Gallinula chloropus), i.
408; Pallas’s sea-eagle (Ha-
liaetus leucoryphus), i. 405 ;
pintail (Dafila acuta), i. 408 ;
raven (Corvus corax), i. 403 ;
red-billed chough (Pyrrho-
corax graculus), i. 406; redshank
(Totanus calidris), i.
408 ; redstarts (Ruticilla rufi-
ventris and R. hodgsoni), i. 406 ;
red-throated ouzel (Merula rup-
collis), i. 406 ; rosefinches (Propasser
pulcherrimus and Car-
podacus - severtzovi), i. 406 ;
ruddy sheldrake, or Brahminy
duck (Casarca rutila), i. 408 ;
sand-grouse (Syrrhaptes tibet-
anus), i. 407; sand-martin
(Cotile riparia), i. 406; shoveller"'
(Spatula clypeata), i.
408; skylark (Alauda arven-
sis), i. 406 ; snipes ,(Gallinago
solitaria and G. stenura), i.
408 ; snow or mountain finches
(Montifringilla adamsi, M.
blanfordi and M. ruficollis),
i. 407 ; snow-partridge (Lerwa
nivicola), i. 407; snow-pigeon
(Columba leuconota), i. 407;
sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus),
i. 406 swallow (Hirundo
rufula, subsp.), i. 406; swift
(Cypselus apus), i. 406 ; Tibetan
partridge (Perdix hodgsonice),
i. 407 f|’ Tibetan snow-cock
(Tetraogallus tibetanus), i. 407 ;
Tibetan twite (Acanthis brevi-
rostris), i. 407; tree-sparrow
(Passer montanus), i. 406;
tufted pochard (Nyroca fuli-
gula), i. 408 ; turtle-dove
(Turtur orientalis), i. 409 ; wagtail,
i. 406; white-eyed pochard
(Nyroca ferruginea), i.
408 ; willow-warblers (Phyllo-
scopus affinis), i. 406 ; wryneck
(lynx torquilla), i. 407. See
also under respective headings.
Black-eared kite (Milvus melanotis),
i. 405.
“ Black Expanse ” (China)}i. i n .
Black stone of Mukden, L 1.
Blanford, Dr., i. 392, 394.
Blavatsky, Mme., ii. 31-2.
Bliss, Capt., ii. 365.
Blood pheasant (Ithagenes cruentus),
i. 407.
Blue-hill pigeon (Columba rupestris),
i. 407.
Blue -rock pigeon (Columba livia),
i. 407.
Bodisats, i. 237 ; ii. 36 ; reincarnation
of , ii. 50.
Bogle, Mr. George, i. 10-14, 92,
J5 9> 235 ; note of, in British
Museum, i. 411 ; travels of,
in Tibet, i. 12, 13.
Bolka, i. 107 ; view of (ill.), ii.
37^ -
Bonvalcrt, M., i. 24.
Boone, Lieut., ii. 366.
Boro-Bodoer, vihara of, i. 209.
Bos grunniens (wild yaks), i.
346, 396.
Bo-tree, i. 368.
Bower, Capt., i. 24 ; ii. 23.
Brahmaputra, ii. 324.
Brahminy duck, or ruddy sheldrake
(Casarca rutila), i. 408.
Brander, Col., i. 218, 248, 269-71,
292, 297, 322, 334 ; ii. 56, 363 ;
clears Red Idol Gorge, i. 173 ;
encamps on Nichi-kang-sang,
i. 265 ; expedition of, to clear
the Karo la, i. 251; reaches
Ra-lung, i. 256; reconnoitres
at Karo la (ill.), i. 273 ; returns
to Gyantse, i. 278 ; takes Pala,
i- 3 I4 - 3 2 I.
Breguman. See A k s h a i B a r .
Bretherton, Major, i. 36, 53;
collects foodstuffs, i. 183 ;
organises transport, i. 49;
drowned at Chak-sam ferry,
ii. 124.
British Government, i. 36, 142.
Brockman, Capt. D., ii. 337.
“ Bubble” and “ Squeak” (jin-
gals), i. 316 ; ii. 67.
Bubo ignavus (eagle-owl), i. 406.
Buddha, i. 201, 210, 222, 239,
3 5 6 , 3 5 7 , 369, 375 ; ii- 28, 37,
132, 311; at Jang-kor-yang-
tse (ill.), ii. 137 ; coloured plate
facing p. 114, vol. i.
Buddhism, i. 230, 304, 347, 369 ;
ii. 51, 190 ; characteristics of,
ii. 44 ; in Tibet, iis 28 ; introduction
of, in Tibet, ii. 29.
Burial customs in Tibet, ii. 389.
Buried monks of Nyen-de-kyi-
buk, i. 217, 225, 348; Capt.
O’Connor and author visit the,
i. 217 ; story of the, i. 226.
Burne, Col., ii. 57.
Burney, Lieut., ii. 67.
“ Butala ” (castle of the Buddhist
Pope, 1662), i. 6.
Bushell, Dr., ii. 384-5.
Buxar, i. 92.
C a l a n d r a l a r k (Melanocorypha
maxima), i. 406.
Camp at New Chumbi, i. 52.
Campbell, Col., ii. 67, 75, 365 ;
plan of, to dislodge Tibetans,
ii. 69.