a ;start arid an exclamation of pleased surprise was the
most usual effect; some laughed immoderately at every
experiment, while others;were made very grave by it, who
had -not been, particularly serious before. Advantage .was
taken of'the moment when their admiration of the glass was
at-the highest, to present it to Jeeroo, whose good-will it was
thought expedient to conciliate: he had not expected this,
and fett obliged to us for so public a mark of our esteem.
A man on horseback happening to ride :by, it was
gravely suggested to the chiefs that nothing would so materially
contribute to the establishment of our health as this
species of exercise; but they insisted upon treating our
request as a mere joke. On the way back an attempt was
made to vary the walk by turning to the left on reaching
the brow of the hill, and so walking along the edge of the
cliff to another road; -.the chiefs observed upon this that we
should infallibly tumble down and kill ourselves; affecting,
notwithstanding the absurdity of any1 such apprehensions,
to be greatly distressed at our danger: so we turned back,
after having had a short interview with an old man seated
in a shed on, the edge of the precipice. His white beard,
which covered his breast, suited well with his sedate and
contemplative air, and gave him much the aspect of a hermit.
Our appearance did not in the least discompose him, nor
did he take any notice of us till desired to do so by Ookooma,
he then bowed slightly, but immediately resumed his fixed
look, as if he had been quite alone.
As we drew near to the place where we had landed, our
companions surprised us by an invitation to a feast, .prepared,
they said, on our account in a temple: close to the
shore. Here they gave us painted eggs, smoked salt pork,
arid various preparations o f eggs and fish, with sweet cakes
in numberless forms, besides tea, pipes, and sackee,.a light
kind of wine made hot. Nothing could be more cheerful
than they all were to -d ay : they placed us on the floor at
the upper end of the room, and, for some time, they would
not allow us to move; but Mr. Clifford, who, from the progress
he has made in their language, has become a great
favourite, was irivited to join a merry party in the verandah,
to which they brought flowers, fruits, and every thing they
could think of, in; order to learn their English names, and
give in return those of Eoo-choo.
On reaching the boats, Jeeroo and two of. his friends
seemed disposed to go on board; they were accordingly
invited to do so, .which made him so.: happy, that he took
a rudely-carved ivory ornament, in the shape of amonkey,
from his tobacco-pouch, and gave it to me.. Dinner was on
table when they came on board, but there was time before