—Arrangements for landing the Alceste’s Stores—Description of the Temple
and Garden—First Acquaintance with M&dera—Study of the Language 58
The Lyra sent to survey the Island of Loo-choo—Discovery of Port Melville
—Description of that Harbour, and the Villages on its Banks—Lyra
nearly wrecked—Interview with Natives at the South Point—Return to
Napakiang—Behaviour of the Natives at a Seaman’s Funeral—M&dera’s
Character and Conduct—Sociable Habits of the Natives—Dinner given to
the Chiefs of the Island by Captain Maxwell—M&dera’s Behaviour on this
Occasion—Two Women seen—A Lady of Rank visits the Boatswain’s Wife
—Captain Maxwell fractures his Finger—Loo-choo Surgeon—Concern of
the Natives—Visit of the Prince—Discussion about the King of Loo-choo’s
Letter—M&dera appears in a new Character—Feast given by the Prince—
List of Supplies given to the Ships—Behaviour of the Prince on taking
Leave—Preparations fqr Departure—Madera’s Distress—Last Interview with
the Chiefs—Brief Memorandums upon the Religion, Manners, and Customs
of Loo-choo—Advice to a Stranger visiting thisr Island . . 135
Notice explanatory of a Chart of the Gulf of Pe-chee-lee . . v
Notice to accompany the Chart of the West Coast of Corea . . x
Notice to accompany the general Chart of the Great Loo-choo Island in the
Japan Sea, and the Charts of Napakiang Roads and Port Melville . xvii
Observations made at the Observatory at Napakiang . . xxix
Table of Observations made with Dr. Wollaston’s Dip Sector: with an Engraving,
and a Description of this Instrument, and Directions for its
Use • • • • • • xxxi
Meteorological Journal, from July-to November 1816, while the Ships were
in the Yellow and Japan Seas • . . . li
Abstract of the Lyra’s Voyage, from leaving England tilljier Return; shewing
the Distance between, the different Places at which she touched, and. the
Time taken in performing each Passage . . . . cix
Geological Memorandum; being a Description of the Specimens of Rocks eollected
at Macao and the Ladrone Islands, on the Shores of the Yellow Sea,
the West Coast of Corea, and the Great Loo-choo Island . . cxix
P a r t I.—English and Loo-choo words.
P a r t I I . Sentences in English and Loo-choo, with a literal Translation.
Loo-choo and Japanese Num e ra ls—Names of Persons at Napakiang—Names
pf Places—Days of the Moon—Orders of Rank—Tattoo Marks—Hours of
the Day.
Comparison between the Japanese and Loo-choo Languages.
Comparison between the Loo-choo and Insu Languages.
Comparison between the Loo-choo, Japanese, and Insu Languages.
Corean Words.