ornamented with showy flags, and crowded with people in
gay and bright coloured garments, forming, upon the whole,
a splendid and imposing scene. As the procession moved
slowly along, the band in the Chief's boat struck up a lively,
martial sort of air, on instruments similar to those we had
heard last n ig h t; the tone of which is not unlike the drawling
sound of the bagpipe, the bass or drone being produced by
a long horn, and the squeaking sounds by four trumpets,
two of which have stops in the middle, by which the notes
are distinctly marked.
The Chiefs visit was so unexpectedly early, that we had
not put things in order for his reception, before he was
alongside: he came on board, however, and seemed happy
a t being allowed to walk about the decks, and examine
every thing a t his leisure. When the cabin was ready, and
the Chief seemed to have satisfied himself with looking
round the upper deck, he was asked to walk down ; which
he complied with as soon as he understood what was meant.
But he found it no easy matter to get down the narrow
hatchway, in which there was barely room for his h a t; but
this he would by no means take off. As he entered the
cabin, his robes and hat completely filled the door-way;
and when seated at the table, (for he now made no objection
to a chair) he occupied no inconsiderable portion of the
whole apartment. He sat here for some time, and examined
every thing in the cabin with great attention, pointing with
the little stick whenever he saw any thing which he wanted
to look a t more closely. In this way, the books, globes,
glasses, &c. were put into his hands; and it was not a little
amusing to see the old gentleman wheeling the globes
round, and hunting over the books for pictures,like a child.
A person of rank who accompanied the Chief this morning,
was asked to the cabin along with h im ; and was no sooner
seated, than we observed that he had a very sickly look;
which circumstance was the cause of a curious mistake.
I t had been supposed that the Chief, during last night's
conference, made allusions to some friend of his who was
unwell; and accordingly, in our arrangements for the morning,
it was proposed to take the doctors of both ships bn shore,
to visit him. As the Chief had himself come on board, our
plans for landing were interrupted, and we ascribed this
early visit to his anxiety on account of his friend’s health.
I t was therefore taken for granted, that this sickly looking
companion of the Chief, who, some how or other, got the title
of the “ Courtier,” amongst us, was the patient alluded to
last night; and no sooner were the first compliments over
in the cabin, than the doctor was sent for to prescribe. On
his being introduced, the Courtier was made to hold out his